Take 52

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Namjoon Kim in mm

"Hey eomma." Namjoon greeted his mom on the phone. He had just got home from work and it was going on eleven at night.
"Hey, how's everything? How's Christen and the baby?"
"Everything is good. I actually just got home from work." He yawned.
"I always forget about the time difference." She smacked her teeth.
"It's fine, I don't mind talking to you for a few minutes."
"Good, but I won't keep you long."
"You know dad came down to see us. Well really he's here for work, but he stopped by."
"Of course, that man never goes anywhere unless it's for work."
"Eomma," he sighed, not wanting her to get started, "leave him be."
"That's why we divorced, because he cares about work more than anything."
"Yea, I know, but I think he's slowing down. I think he's starting to get too old." He snickered.
"Good for him."
Namjoon chuckled and talked to his mom some more, making sure to leave out the part about his dad standing him up.

Namjoon took a shower and got into bed where Christen slept with her back to him. He cuddled up behind her and kissed her shoulder before drifting off to sleep.


"Oh, you gonna do me like that, Nas?" Namjoon laughed as Nasir pretended to cry when Christen walked into the bedroom. They both were just laughing and having a good time, but when his mom showed up, Nasir liked to act fake.

"What did you do to my baby?" Christen cooed as she picked him up and his cries stopped.

"He's a faker."

Christen sat her bag down and it landed with a hard thud and Namjoon looked at her confused.

"It's my books. Got midterms coming up and I need to study." She explained as she sat down on the bed with Nasir in her lap who was pulling on her curls.

"Does that mean I have to be on full baby duty."

"For the most part, but I swear I won't study for more than four hours a night and day." She said as she handed Nasir back to Namjoon who laid his head on his dad's chest. "I'm gonna go take a shower real quick and then I'm gonna take him out of your hands, so you can go to work."

"I actually called out tonight. I wanna to stay in with my family tonight."

Christen smiled wide and climbed on the bed and pecked his lips a couple of times before climbing back off and headed into the bathroom.

Christen came back out wrapped in a towel and she quickly dried off before moisturizing her body and putting on pajama pants and a white cami.

"How was he today?" Christen asked as she grabbed Nasir, lifted him up and down, and kissed his cheeks. She repeated this action a couple of times, causing Nasir to laugh.

"It was good besides from the fact that's he's a faker."

"What do you mean?"

"Like when it's just us two, we're good, but when somebody else comes around, he cries and does the most. Just like when you came in." Namjoon explained as he stared at Nasir who kept sneaking side glances at him.

"Aw, is mommy's baby an actor? Mhm?" She kissed the side of his head and chuckled.

"Y'all make me sick." Namjoon playfully mugged his girlfriend and son.

"Ok here, I have homework to do." Christen said as she sat Nasir against some pillows next to his dad. "Call if you need anything." She said as she walked out the bedroom door with her book bag in hand.


Studying was something Christen was never really good at, but since she is a college sophomore, she needed to study every chance she got. She was surprised she even finished freshman year.

She took a seat on the couch and pulled her books, that were oh so expensive, out the bag and got started. Ten minutes into it though, Namjoon came out the room with Nasir in his arms.

"Not to distract you or anything, but I really need to take a shit, so I'm gonna leave him here, okay?" Christen chuckled as Namjoon buckled Nasir into his swing.

He walked away kind of funny and Christen couldn't do anything, but laugh. Christen already knew how this night was gonna end.

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