Take 38

838 35 5

Namjoon Kim in mm

Christen and Namjoon sat at a cafe, by a window, watching people walk by. When Christen told Namjoon about her dad's death, he did his best to under how she was feeling, but even now, two days later, he couldn't understand. She didn't cry, she wasn't mad, she wasn't happy, she was just okay with it.

"Babe, you know, you haven't actually talked about how you were feeling." Namjoon reached crossed the table to hold her hand.

"I don't really feel anything. He's dead and that's that. I'm not upset about it, but it's funny knowing the way he died."

Christen's dad was jumped and butt raped while walking home. It was random, but karma is a bitch.

"Are you gonna go to the funeral?"

"Hell no. I didn't want to see him while he was alive and I damn sure don't want to see him while he's dead. I hope he rots in hell, nice and slow." She scoffed and looked away from him.

"Okay." Namjoon looked down at their intertwined hands, taking in how small Christen's hand was compared to his.

"I feel like a bunch of weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I know he's not on this Earth anymore. I didn't want to one day run into him and I wouldn't know how to react, so I'm glad he's gone and can no longer have any effect on me."

"As long as you're good, I'm cool."

Christen smiled and got up out of her seat and walked to Namjoon's side, sitting on his lap, "I'm honestly shocked that I had the opportunity to have you in my life. I love you and you're the best thing to ever happen to me, even when you do get on my nerves." she chuckled.

"Promise me that no matter what, we will always remain friends." Namjoon's hand laid on her stomach and he felt the baby kick.

"Of course, but I would really have a choice considering I'm carrying your child. We have to be in each other's lives when dealing with he or she."

"True, so let me change it up. Promise me that even without dealing with our child, we will still be friends and actually enjoy each other's company."

She nodded, "Always."

"I love you." Namjoon nudged his nose with hers before locking their lips.


"Are you on your way back?"
"Yea, baby, I'll be home in like fifteen minutes."
"Are you dress?"
Christen looked down at her body that only consisted of black underwear and a black bra, "sorta."
"When I get there, be dressed."
"Yes, sir." She chuckled and ended the call.

Namjoon offered to take Christen out to dinner to celebrate her passing her exams. She really wanted to stay home and cuddle, but Namjoon was proud of her and he wanted to celebrate that.

Fifteen minutes on the dot, Namjoon walked into the bedroom holding pink roses with a smile on his face, but the smile quickly went away once he seen Christen was still laying down in bed, not dressed.

"I thought I told you to be dress." He sat the roses on the dresser and climbed in bed next to her, hovering over her.

"Babe." She whined and poke her lips out, silently asking for a kiss.

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