Take 59

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Christen Raines in mm

"I think I'm pregnant."


"I'm serious. My boobs are extra sensitive and there's a little pudge to my stomach."

"Wow wow, are you excited?"

"Not until I know for sure. I have an appointment on Monday, so we'll see."

Christen hugged her best friend and squealed with excitement. "I'm excited for you Jacky. Does Amaru know?"

"He does, but we both don't know how to feel. I don't know if I'm ready for another baby. I wanted to graduate first." Jacky pouted slightly.

"Don't worry honey, you got this."


"Honey, I'm home!" Christen called out as she walked through the front door. The sound of little feet made her look up and she seen Nasir coming around the corner. He lost his balance and started to crawl over to her instead. "Hi, mama's baby. You missed me? Because I missed you." She kissed all over his face and he laughed.

She walked into the kitchen with Nasir in her arms and seen leftover Chinese food on the stove. She made herself a plate and stood over the counter eating while Nasir watched her.

"What's going on?" Namjoon chuckled entering the kitchen.

"Sorry, I was hungry."

"You don't have to apologize for eating good babe." He stood next to her and placed an arm around her waist, kissing her cheek.

"Did you eat?"

"Yes." Namjoon stood and watched Christen eat, admiring how beautiful she is. "Want me to run a bath for us?"

"That sounds great."

As Christen finished eating, Namjoon ran a bath, making sure to add Christen's favorite vanilla scented bubble bath.

"Where do you think we will be in ten years?" Christen asked as she leaned back against Namjoon as much as she could.

"Ten years? We should own our own house by then, both be in stable careers, married, and hopefully have one or two more children."

"Do you wanna continue living in North Carolina or do you wanna move?"

"North Carolina is fine, but I wanna go somewhere where it's more city, you know?"

"Yea, I understand."

They stayed in the tub a little while longer before getting out. They did their nightly routine and headed to bed. Christen wanted sleep, but Namjoon had other plans.

"Stop touching my butt." Christen giggled and faced Namjoon so her butt was out of reach.

"It looks bigger."

"Well it's not, it's the same size it always was."

"Not it isn't, trust me." He scoffed and tried to grab on it again, but she moved out of reach.

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