Take 29

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Christen Raines in mm

After spending one last time with Namjoon's mom, the couple were now headed home. They had just got off the plane a couple of minutes ago and were now getting into their Lyft.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Namjoon asked as Christen rested her head on his shoulder.

"Yea baby, of course. It was amazing."

Christen was so happy to be back home. She missed Left Eye and... well that's pretty much it, she really missed Left Eye.

"UHH! It feels good to be home." Christen smiled as they walked through their door. She took in a deep breath, getting used to their apartment air again.

"What time is Olivia dropping off Left Eye?" Namjoon grabbed their bags and took it into their bedroom with Christen trailing behind him.

"She's not. I'm going to go pick her up in a little bit." Christen shrugged off her jean jacket, throwing it on the ottoman at the end of the bed.

"Want me to come?" Namjoon took off his sweater and sat next to Christen on the bed.

"You should want to come, Left Eye is our baby." She chuckled.

"You're right, lets go pick up our baby."

They left out their apartment and headed over to Christen's dorms where Olivia was. With Christen behind the wheel, they made it there in seven minutes flat.

They walked inside he building and took the elevator up to Christen's floor. She took out her key and opened the door, being greeted by tons of clothes everywhere.

"Uh, Olivia?" Christen called out, confused as to why their was clothes everywhere.

"I'm here." Christen looked down to where her voice was heard and laughed. Olivia's hand poked out through the piles of clothes, waving in the air.

"Where's Left Eye?" Namjoon asked and her hand pointed to the closet door. He stepped over tons of clothes to get to the closet, opening it, he saw Left Eye sleeping in the corner.

"Why do you have my child sleeping in the closet?" Christen questioned as Namjoon picked Left Eye up in his arms.

"I didn't want to lose her underneath all these clothes, so I put her somewhere safe, unlike myself." Her muffled voice came through the piles of clothes she was under.

Christen shook her head and dug Olivia out, considering that she had suffered enough under there. Once Olivia was out, she sighed in relief and gave Christen a hug.

"How was LA?" she asked as she threw the clothes that was on the floor into the closet.

"LA was really, really good. I enjoyed myself, we both did." Christen smiled and sat on her bed that she never used because she was always at Namjoon's place.

Namjoon took a look around the room and seen Olivia's side fully decorated, while Christen's side was plain and boring. Minus her pillows and blanket, Christen's side showed no trace of anything being used.

"I'm glad, but I'm pretty sure Left Eye and I enjoyed ourselves more. We stayed up watching Netflix and she's a great listener." Olivia nodded her head.

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