Take 23

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Namjoon Kim in mm

September has finally arrived, the leaves were changing colors, it was starting to become sweatshirt weather, and both Namjoon and Christen loved it.

Neither of them were home at the moment, Namjoon was working and Christen was at a study group at the library. To Christen's luck, the study group consisted of Kian, but at least Olivia was there and two other people.

"Alright, I can't study anymore, my head is gonna explode and I'm hungry." Christen complained.

"I ordered us some chinese food, so that should be here shortly, and as far as studying goes, I think a break is well needed. We should take a bathroom break or something." Kian backed up Christen and she mouthed a thank you.

"A break? We just took one about twenty minutes ago." This kid named, Logan, said. Logan was a bit of a nerd, but that came in handy because he led his study group and was tryna help them pass their classes.

"Logan, we already know that we're gonna be here all night, let's take a break when a break is needed." Olivia smiled sweetly.

He stared at her before nodding his head. Everyone knew Logan had a crush on Olivia, even Olivia knew, but Olivia was tryna work on things with Kian, even though all they do is have sex.

"Thanks Logan." Christen smiled as she got up to stretched and headed in the direction of the bathroom.

When no one was looking, Kian followed her and waited outside the bathroom for her. The bathroom door opened and Kian straightened up.

"Oh shit! You scared me." She whispered yell since they were in the library.

"Sorry." he chuckled softly.

"Did you need something?" She took a look around her surroundings and seen no one was around. She really didn't want to be alone with Kian, at all. The bathroom was in the far back, so nothing was back there except for some dusty, old books.

"We haven't spoken to each other in awhile, one on one at least, and I just wanted to see if there was any problems." He took a step forward slightly.

"No there aren't, it's just... Namjoon knows about your feelings for me and out of respect for my boyfriend, I thought I'd put some distance between us." Christen scanned his face and he scoffed and licked his lips.

"That's bullshit," he snapped and the sudden tone of his voice made Christen jump, "our friendship is done because your boyfriend is insecure? Bullshit Christen." He took another step forward which made Christen take a step backward. He was starting to make her uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but that's how it has to be." She tried stepping around him, but he stepped in front of her.

"Christen..." He stroked her cheek and she cringed at the feeling. It felt sickening and wrong, just like when her father did it.

"Please stop." She begged.

"I'm not doing anything." He dropped his hand and nodded sighed, walking away.

Christen cried silently and tried to forget the feeling of Kian on her. She got herself together and went back to the study group.

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