Chapter 1

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There it is, planted in the warm sun of a Californian city. Bright teddy bear sunflowers bloom before a white porch with a swing on it. The once elegant white paint on the two story house is peeling, but nevertheless the house's beauty is undeniable.

"Tell me, do you like it?"

My insides turn and a smile breaks my face as I look around the neighborhood. Wow this place is amazing. From past experience from being here, I know there must be a swimming pool in everyone's backyard. A swimming pool in my own backyard?

"Jade?" My thoughts are broken by my aunts words.

"Yes?" I say too quickly.

"Do you like it?"

"Of course! Aunt Marie, i love it!" Her concerned face softens with relief. I open my door and take a step on to the smooth pavement. My little sister, Jenny comes out of the car after me texting like she has been the whole 5 hour ride here.

"Jenny, maybe lay off the phone for a bit? I think that'll make it easier for Aunt Marie to ... You know?" I try to explain but I see Aunt Marie making her way around to our side of the car. I don't want to make a scene so I stop.

"I think not." Jenny says, not looking away from her phone. I glare at her, unable to believe she is really pulling this right now. I immediately force a smile when my aunt approaches.

"You girls want to grab your bags? The trunk is unlocked, I'll open the front door I'm not sure if Alex is home." Aunt Marie tell us as she walks up the stone pathway up to the front door of her home. I open the trunk and grab out four huge duffle bags for Jenny and two for myself. I tried to tell Jenny we should keep our luggage to a minimum but she insisted everything she brought holds great significance. I myself left a huge amount of valuable things, but that's because I knew this would be a new start, our time to move on. I place one of my bags down and snatch Jenny's phone from her hand.

"What the hell Jade!" Jenny throws her bag at me and reaches for her phone. Keeping my balance, I inch away with an ache on my hip. She must really have something hard in that bag.

"No phone atleast until another day. Please just do this for us. We are going to have to get used to this whether you like it or not. It's best to just get off on the right foot, try to be friendly and social." I tell her, ignoring the bruise forming on my hip.

"Yeah, I'll be social. Just give me my phone back." She pleads in the most unconvincing way possible.

"It's not happening." I slip her phone in my pocket and walk away up the pathway.

"Youre not mom stop acting like you are!" She yells. My heart drops and I feel steam fuming from my face.

"I'm not..." She cuts me off faster than I can finish my thought. "You can't boss me around, give me my phone or I'm not going in there." She stands her ground and I am shocked by her comment. How could she say that?

"You're making this hard Jenny." I turn to make sure no one is at the front door watching. "Please don't do this here."

"Give me my phone." She demands. I drop my bags and shove her phone at her.

"Don't you dare bring mom back up. We are here now. It's time to move on. I'm just trying to help." I nearly whisper. "Close the trunk and walk up that pathway like nothing happened. Make sure to smile." She roles tears from her eyes but puts her phone in her back pocket and does what I tell her. The pain from her words still lingers inside me, over powering the pain from my hip. I can't let this get to me.

I smile as I step into my aunt's cool carpeted home. Well now that I'll be living here too I'd have to get used to calling it my own. The house smells like incenses and Febreze at the same time. Incenses always make my nose shrivel up in disgust. I can't say that the strong scent appeals to me, but that's something I'd have to get used to.

"Come girls, let me show you to your rooms." My aunt appears from a room which I believe from memory must be the kitchen and heads up the stairs. On our ride here, we learned that we would be getting separate rooms. Jenny didn't disagree to that at all of course. Their house being so big, I never doubted we would get separate rooms. Bags in hand, we struggle up the stairs until my aunt realizes and offers to help us carry. I kindly thank her and follow her into a medium room with a queen sized bed to the right. On the side of the bed is a desk with a chair. The wall next to the bed is taken over by a window and the next wall has huge closet doors. The room is plain for the most part so I'm guessing my aunt and uncle are giving us freedom to decorate our selves.

"This will be Jade's room." My aunt grins. "Ihope you love it! Jenny, follow me, your room is just next door." My sister painfully follows behind my aunt, leaving me alone in my new room in my new house in my new life.

I dump my bags on the ground and let out a long breath that I have been keeping in for too long. I'm not used to the amount of space provided in this room and I begin to fantasize what I'd do with it. I'd definitely need to get a bean bag chair in here and another cabinet would be ideal. The blank walls leave me endless possibilities. I think about how I always wanted to litter my bedroom walls with random quotes and images that summed me up, but my parents never let me. But... Im not with my parents. Things will be different. Damn it here I go again. I let out a huge sigh and collapse onto the bed. It's really comfy and I close my eyes. Stay calm Jade, this is the way it has to be. I'm just about to slip into my thought when I hear someone at my door.

I look up expecting it to be my aunt but it's someone else and I jump.

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