Chapter 31

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"I was kind of sort of afraid this would be the wrong house! Happy birthday! How are you? You got fatter! Did you just wake up? Im sorry I woke you up!" Luke showers me with questions as he drains the life out of me. How could he act like this after what happened?

He sets me down and I have to look up in order to see his face. He grins jubilantly and the additonal lip ring actually promotes his attractiveness. He pulls me in and shakes me around again, resting his face on the top of my head like im a teddy bear. I have to admit, I do feel great being in his arms again, smelling the familiar scent of his cologne and remembering how his scrawny body seems like it could break if you squeezed him too hard.

"Can you say something? I didn't kill you did I?" Even if I wanted to, I dont think I'd be able to speak from how hard he's pressing my face into his chest.

"Luke please let me go." I close the door behind me and force him to step back. If everything was normal, I'd be super excited about this. If everything was normal, I'd have punched him for calling be fat. He beams at me but his smile begins to fade when I dont exchange an equal reaction to seeing him.

"Why are you here?" I hug myself from the mild cold. I see his raggedy black car parked across the street. "And how did you know where to find me?"

"To see you of course. You gave me your address before you left remember? You said that if things here weren't working out for you that I should swing by and kidnap you."

I stare down at my bare toes that sting on the wooden porch.

"Why aren't you happy to see me?" he tilts his head to one side and relaxes his shoulders. "I thought you would be."

"I am, I really am, its just. You should have told me. Its pretty early. For me atleast. You know I'm not a morning person." I lie because no matter how mad I am at him, he did go out of his way to drive all the way here. I dont want him to have done that for no reason. Remember Jade, appreciate those around you. Put on a smile.

"I would've but you never answered my texts! I had to come early, we have a huge day ahead of us!" He clasps his hands together and my head aches from how energetic he is.

"What do you mean?"

"Im taking you somewhere."

"Aren't you tired from driving?" I rub my sleepy eyes and he gawks at me in disappointment.

"Jade shut up and wash all that boring off of you, its starting to reek. The Jade I know would hop on this opportunity to go to San Francisco anyday."

"What?!" I scream. He covers his mouth abruptly, his eyes growing wide. The fire inside me ignites and I almost immediately jump into my house. I've never been to San Francisco and I always wanted to go!  Suddenly, I nearly forget why I was mad at him. Why should I be mad at him for having a girlfriend when I have a boyfriend anyway?

If he's ready to move on from what happened the other day, then for the sake of our friendship I guess I have to too. We are best friends and we will act accordingly.

My aunt lets me go, but not before serving me a piece of lemon cake that she bought for my birthday. She told me I could open her present when I get home. Jenny is in the livingroom with that boy Harry, but I'm too excited to care about the fact that she doesn't greet me happy birthday. Luke waits in the car and once I sit in the passenger seat I try not to think about all the past times I sat in this very seat.

Luke speeds down the freeway and his loud music pierces my eardrums. We talk about what him and the boys have been up to which hasnt been much but videogames and stupid challenges they got off of youtube. Apparantly Michael beat his chubby bunny record. I forget that I've only been gone for a little over a month so even though I think I have, I really haven't missed much.

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