Chapter 14

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(Ty guys for 878 views! Almost to 900 YAY! I'm setting a goal, I want atleast 5 votes and 5 comments on this chapter and then Ill do the next update. Let's see if we can do it :) You guys are awesome! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Love you all, xoxo)


She holds the tent poles in her hands like she's never seen one in her life. Her hands are small skinny things with traces of black nail polish on her fingernails. With frustration fuming in her eyes, she tucks a nuisance piece of hair behind her left ear. The pole continues to sling around in her hands and she finally figures out how to connect them. When the piece of hair comes out from behind her ear for the tenth time she drops the pole. My eyes are stuck on her as she pulls her silky hair up into that familiar ponytail and I can see her whole face. Her eyebrows are dark above her eyes which are small and a beautiful shade of chocolatey brown. Her nose is a bit chubby and her lips are full and pink. Her face is turning red from the heat and ...

"Niall! Get off your lazy ass and help us!" I hear Liam yell. I shove another handful of Cheetos into my mouth and lay back in my chair. I'm sitting next to our picnic bench which is invaded by coolers and bags packed with food and food supplies for the next few days.

"I am helping! I'm watching the food!" I smirk at Liam who is helping Zayn and Alex set up our tent. They all wipe sweat off their foreheads every few seconds with their arms. I pass, sitting here watching Jade is way less tiring. He looks at me with disapproval. "From the bears ya know, they might come and steal our food and we'd be left starving! You'll thank me later pal!" I place my feet on the bench comfortably, satisfied with my excuse.

"The only thing you should be protecting the food from is yourself!" Liam yells back. "Get away from there, if anything, you'll be the reason why we'd all starve to death! Atleast be on pinecone duty since Louis isn't here this time to do it." I sit for a few more minutes deciding whether I should remain here in my comfy seat or force myself into doing labor.

"Get up or you're sleeping outside!" Zayn shouts.

"You guys wouldn't dare, I'm the party of the tent!" I hate to brag, but it's true!

"Yeah well you can be the party outside the tent all by yourself with your damn bears! In fact, you can protect the food out here all night if you'd like!" Liam answers. He looks miserable in the heat.

"That sounds fine with me!" I put on my sunglasses to protect my eyes from the scorching sun. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look back to see Mr. Walker.

"Might not be a good idea kid, it might rain tonight. The whether can be bipolar around these areas." He tells me and walks to help his wife with their tent. I consider the odds and decide to get up. Kicking and throwing pinecones around isnt so bad I guess. I kick away the nearest pinecones around me once I finish my chips, trying to juggle them every now and then like a soccer ball. The campground we picked is really sweet. It's the same from last year but this time we booked the lot with more trees and shade. The ground is flatter here, covered with leaves, sticks, and unfortunately these pesky pinecones. I start clearing them out by our tent but Liam tells me to leave because I won't stop throwing the pinecones at their butts. As I make my way to the other side of our lot I see Jade now struggling with sticking the poles through the tent holes. Why hasn't anyone helped her? I look around for her sister and find her sitting under a tree listening to her iPod. Her sister is obviously no help. The two look almost nothing alike. Her sister is much lighter, her hair is even a dimmer shade of brown and she has a wider face. She's not fat, she's just a bit thicker in some areas. She is shorter than Jade and also wears more makeup around her eyes to make them look bigger. Her nose is pointier than Jade's and she has chubbier lips. Although, they both have the same poker face that they wear on a regular basis.

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