Chapter 9

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(Plz keep voting if u like the story babes so I know if this story is worth finishing , xoxo ilyg <3)

It's been a week and a half, the whether is rising into the nineties and I havent done much outside of the house. I've noticed Alex has been going out more often instead of having people over. Maybe he's trying to keep Niall away from me. It would actually be quite hilarious if that's the case.

"Jade you look like shit!" Ashton's voice booms through my laptop speakers. "Absolute shit." His face is too close to the camera and his laugh is piercing my ear drums. I lower the volume on the laptop. Ashton has short wavy brown hair that hangs longer in the front. He has hazel eyes, a huge smile with two deep dimples on each end, and a small crease on his chin. Today he's wearing a plain grey T-shirt and tight black jeans as always. "Man did you gain like six years since we last saw you or something?" Luke pushes Ashton's face out of view.

"Thanks Ash, just the thing I wanted to hear from you." I roll my eyes and smile a bit.

"You know he's just kidding." Luke is covering his face, trying to conceal his laughter.

"No I'm not!" Ashton yells off screen. I've been Skyping them for at least five minutes now.

"I've just been so tired." I shift my body and lay on my stomach. "It hasn't exactly been the best welcoming here. My cousin Alex has been a douche and you know Jenny is already hard to work with." Behind Luke my friend Michael is licking a banana in a very unpleasant way. Michael always dyes his hair and currently it is a shade of green. We all think his hair will fall out soon because he must have had all of the colors of the rainbow so far. He's tall and wears a lot of dark clothing, being the most punk in our group except for the fact that he got his ears pierced at Claire's. He although insists it's the punkest thing ever.

"What happened with Alex? I thought you guys were chill." Luke is so clueless to Calum who is air humping him from the back. Calum has short black hair and is really tan. His face looks really squishy and he has a cute little chubby nose. The trick with Calum is that he looks exactly like an Asian, but he's not Asian at all and would kick your ass if you told him he was. He has a bro tank on today to show off his semi-buff biceps. Luke notices finally and tries to punch Calum's man-junk but misses and Calum just ends up slapping Luke on the face from the other side. I let out a laugh and it feels good to do so.

"You guys are ridiculous." I can't stop myself from laughing. It's probably because I haven't laughed like this in a while that it almost sounds foreign. The boys start to laugh with me and it feels like the old times hanging out with them. "He's just being really protective about his friends. He's all stingy about me talking to them."

Luke's eyebrows raise. "I told you you were busy trying to talk to hot guys!" He smiles with his teeth flashing.

"No I wasn't! Oh my gosh! They're not even hot!" Lies all lies. We continue laughing.

"Speaking of hot. Today we saw some people moving into your old home." Michael says taking the last bite of his banana.

"Oh really, are they chill?" It feels weird to hear about some strangers moving into the house I lived in my whole life. That's like my sacred property and they're trespassing.

"I mean, I didn't get much out of it except that they have a seriously hot teenage girl." Michael explains as Luke spins around in his wheely chair singing "weeeeee."

"Oh is she?" I try to direct the question to Luke but he doesn't reply.

"Oh yes, Luke was talking all about her too." Michael states, triggering Luke to stop spinning and he gives Michael a disapporving glare. A series of whispers are exchanged that I cant pick up because the audio quality is crap. Michael finally pushes his palm to Luke's face to shut him up. "He really was. You should have seen him. When was the last time we've seen Luke interested in a girl?"

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