Chapter 3

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My heart is pounding and I cant breathe through my laughter. I'm really a dumbass for kicking the ball down the hall, we should've just kept the game inside Alex's room.

"Hey uhh..." Damn it, what was her name again? "I'm really sorry, did you see where that ball went?" I manage to say between breathes. I scan the room and am grateful there isn't much in this room that the ball could've wrecked.

"Yeah, I think it went under my bed. Let me get it." Alex's cousin gets up and as she's about to bend down in front of me to get the ball she hesitates and walks to the other side of the bed, "Wait, actually I think its closer on this side." Ok? Wow she barely knows me and she's already asuming I'm a perv thats going to check out her ass when she bends over.

"Actually..." she says from under the bed.

"It's on this side, isnt it?" I chuckle and lay on my stomache to reach under the bed. I can see her desperately trying to reach the ball from the other side and I begin rolling the ball further from her just to watch her struggle.

"Seriously." she stops and gives me an annoyed face and I cant help but laugh at her. Climbing to my feet, ball in hand, I say, "I hope I didn't disturb you too much. I told Liam we should keep the game inside Alex's room but he insisted."

"Who?" she gets up and looks at me with a confused face.

"Li... Oh yeah you're new here. He's the dude with the facial hair who looks all serious and old." I manage to get a smile out of her until she looks over to the side and begins to panic. I follow her eyes and see a knocked over duffle bag.

"Oh no! no no no! please tell me this isn't the bag I think it is!" she runs over to the bag like it's her own child in danger.

"It's not the bag you think it is." I say, only amusing myself. It's too quiet outside. I wonder where the guys went off too. She unzips the bag and pulls out a fancy looking box with pink floral walls. She gently removes the top and her eyeballs nearly pop out of their sockets.

"Uh, whats wrong?" I walk over to her and in the box i just see a bunch of mini pictures and figures. Her hands reach inside and takes out one of the figures that is broken in half. Shit.

"Nooooo not Greece!" she whines. "This is my favorite one!"

"What is that?" I cant make out whatever it is while she places it on the ground and covers her face. She says something but I cant understand her through her hands. "What?"

"I said. Its one of my magnets." I bend down, placing the ball behind me to sit on and look closer into the box. I try to grab something from inside but she quickly swats my hand away. "Dont! This is your fault!" She doesnt look too pissed, just frustrated.

"I'm sorry but how is this my fault?"

"Your stupid ball! It knocked over my bag and the collision broke my favorite magnet!"

"Its just a magnet, you can glue it back together." I peak inside the box and realize its filled with magnets. There must be hundreds in there. "What is all this?" I can see her trying to conceal her frustration as her face returns back to its natural color.

"I collect them. I get one from every place I go and other people give them to me as gifts from places they visit." she explains. "I keep them with hope that I can visit each place some day." She picks up the broken magnet which I can see is a miniature statue of a Greek goddess. "Look, I'm sorry if I snapped at you. I'm just tired today. Theres been a lot going on lately and these are one of the only prized possessions I brought with me and ... well you can go now." She closes the box with the broken statue inside and gets up to put it on her table.

"Im sorry too..." think of something to say Niall...,"I can fix it if you want. I have a hot glue gun at my house." Her eyes narrow and she runs her fingers through her semi tangled her. I can tell she hasnt been getting much sleep. A glimpse of her smiling runs through my head. She looks nice that way.

"No it's fine I'm sure my aunt must have one sitting around somewhere." She leans against the table and miserably fails at faking a smile as she crosses her arms.

"I know they dont, I come here to do projects with Alex all the time and I always have to bring my own. He's a free-loading bastard. Come on you look exhausted just let me help you." I approach her slowly as if trying not to wake a bear. She lets out a sigh that sounds like she has been keeping in forever.

"Fine. But this better be back tomorrow. I never let other people handle my magents. I will cut off your balls if you dont return this." she hastly grabs the pieces out and hands them to me.

"I dont think I'd mind that actually." I smirk as I carefully place them in my pants pocket and she punches my gut. For some reason that ends up making her smile and she laughs a little. Her laugh is soft and pretty. I try to act hurt and when she's off guard I lunge to jab her waist. She screams with laughter and tries to duck for safety. I knew she'd be ticklish there. She tries to push me away but it's no use.

"Niall what the hell!" Shit. I hear Alex's voice and I quickly keep my hands to myself. "Dude stop flirting with my cousin. We've been waiting downstairs we thought you were in the bathroom. Lets go!" I take in the moment and realize this does look weird. Alex's cousin and I alone in her room and my hands on her.

"Calm down man I wasn't flirting with her." I grab the soccer ball and quickly walk out of the room without looking back at Alex's cousin.

I can feel my cheeks heating with embarassment. That really must've looked wrong. That can't happen again.

"Seriously Niall that's not cool." Alex shoves my shoulder. "The last thing I need in my house is a hormonal girl breaking down because my best friend sends her mixed feelings." We head down the stairs.

"Alright I get it. I'll stay away from her. It's not that big of a deal." I feel something heavy in my pocket. Shit. I have to see her again.

(Ty if you've been reading this far (: u guys are awesome, plz let me know how you guys are feeling about this story and vote if you are enjoying it. I'm open for any requests that you guys have . Ilyg xoxo)

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