Chapter 33

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The cover of a book I've never read rips after it collides with my bedroom wall. Anything i can get my hands on, pens, books, boxes, trophies, is flung across my room. My body runs through motions fueled with rage. I feel my phone vibrate in my pants and without looking at the screen I throw it across the room too.

After everything I proved to her and everything I've done I thought I made her happy. I kick at the wall, confused on what I'm missing. What am I doing wrong?

But how could I be so stupid. I should've known something was up from when he called her. How could I even compare myself to him. He's been there since the beginning. He's probably met her parents, cheered for her on the sidelines, comforted her as she cried on a playground because of a scrape, knows what her favorite icecream flavor is, knows what movies she likes, and helped her get over her fear of rollercoasters. Has she even had a fear of rollercoasters? If she did, he would know. Of course she would pick him over an idiot like me.

But he cant stay here forever. What happens then? Do I forgive her? I pick up my pair of black converse, nearly hitting someone trying to come in through my door.

"Hello?" Greg's voice has a tinge of fear in it. His head would've been nailed with my shoe if he hadn't ducked. He slowly comes in from behind the door. "I thought you were dad again." He loosens up with relief. I drop my other shoe and observe around me. My room is literred with objects I had just reorganized from my dad's tantrum the other day. I did this. I shake with fright at my inability to control myself

"Greg I'm so sorry I didnt mean to..." He surveys my room and puts out his hand to shut me up.

"Whats wrong?" he begins picking up my books and notebooks first, not addressing my apology.

"Nothing," I lay flat on my back on my bed because I dont have the effort to clean up my room for the second time this week.

"It's that girl isn't it?" He places a pile on my table and starts at the crumpled pages and writing utensils.

I push myself up on my elbows.

"What did you say?"

"That girl, Jade."

"How do you know about her?" Since when did my life become such an open book?

"Dad told me. I dont know how he knows so dont ask." Alex of course, I can answer that atleast.

"Did she steal your bag of chips or something?" His attempt of comforting me with humor sort of calms me. Although he is my dad's ideal son and favorite, he has always been nothing but kind to me.

"No... she cheated on me okay." It's easier for me to breathe after getting those words out of my systen. I needed to tell someone and if anyone, I suppose Greg isn't too bad of an option. He puts down all of what he collected and takes a seat next to me on my bed. "This guy... well her best friend.. came up from SoCal and she said she didnt see it coming but he kissed her and.."

"Wait, he kissed her?" Greg stops me.

"Yes and..."

"Did she look like she even enjoyed it?" I squint at him for asking, but then I actually think about it. She did push him away, she looked pissed, and she looked absolutely devasted when she saw me. She was trying to explain it to me the whole time but my own barrier of anger prevented me from seeing the truth. It wasn't her fault.

"No...but" I try but anticipate him cutting me off again.

"She can't control what other people do Niall, just because he laid one on her doesnt mean she wanted it."

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