Chapter 10

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My boxers are soaking wet but I just dont regret jumping in, it's too hot to wait! I surface from beneath the water and I am splashed in the face as Jade, Kayla, and Megan jump into the pool creating huge waves. I guess the guys took Alex's offer on the shorts. I feel small soft hands grab my shoulders from behind and I reach behind me to grab the waist of whoever it is causing her to squeal and let go. I turn and see Kayla struggling to tread in the water.

"Niall ... I can't ..... tread." She struggles to get the words out as shes barely staying over the surface. I grab her around the waist and she puts her arms around my neck as I try to hold the both of us over the water. She smiles and thanks me. Kayla is a beautiful girl, she has these little freckles on her face that are adorable and outstanding green eyes. I met her a few months after I came here from Ireland because she asked me to Sadies. I didn't know any other girls or what this event was like so I thought "What the heck why not." and we've been really close ever since. She knows more about me than any other girl I've met. She climbs on my back and wraps her arms and legs around me from behind.

"Are you ready?" I say and without waiting for a reply I dive both of us underwater and flip her off of me. I hear her screaming and it sends so much laughter out of me to see her playful pouty face when she resurfaces and grabs the side of the pool.

"Niall what the hell!" she mugs me and I join her.

"I was trying to teach you how to swim!" I laugh and splash her pouty face with a hand full of water. She does the same, triggering a huge splash war.


I can feel the warm sun baking my skin as I float on top of the water. I hear Megan saying something so I begin to tread instead.

"What?" I ask.

"If I would've knew the guys would be here I would've asked Lou to come with." she's hanging off the side of the pool kicking her feet in the water. I look over and see Niall and Kayla playfully splashing water at eachother. From the moment we came into this pool she has been all over him. I saw the way her arms wrapped around his body and when he held her in his strong arms. They would look really cute together. I push the thought away.

"How long have you and Louis been together?"

"It's been nearly a year now. I mean we did go out Freshman year for a couple months but I dont count that. We got back together during the summer coming into junior year." Sometimes I wish I could have a relationship like that. All the past relationships I've had haven't lasted more than half a year. Awkward story short, I used to date Calum and that was my shortest relationship ever, lasting up to a whopping two weeks. I look at Niall and Kayla again and now theyre just talking, laughing at the top of their lungs, filling my ears with both beautiful and annoying sounds. I think Megan catches me looking at them.

"Dang that's pretty cool." I say a little too late.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

"No. Why." I try to smile. She looks over at Kayla and Niall and puts two pieces together.

"Do you?" she winks.

"No!" I defend too loudly. Thankfully at that moment I hear male yelps and splashes as Liam, Zayn, and Alex jump into the pool. I see someone swimming toward us under water and he scares me when he grabs my leg.

"What you ladies doin over here so far from everyone else?" Zayn says when he surfaces. His smile is wicked yet appealing. He holds his hand out to me and after looking unsurely at Megan, I place my hand in his and he tugs me away with him to the deeper area. "Come on Megan stop being a loner!" he yells back before picking me up by the waist and throw me over his back. I scream and take in a mouth full of water as I hit the water. I kick him and bubbles escape my mouth as I laugh.


Water hits my face as a soccer ball plummets into the water next to me.

"Pass the ball Horan!" Alex yells and as I start to do so I see Zayn throwing Jade over him. A feeling suddenly hits me. Why is he touching her like that, he doesnt even know her. When she surfaces Jade splashes him and she has a huge smile on her face. She's actually smiling. I feel a pit in my gut growing deeper and deeper as I watch them. They continue to play fight in the water and I find myself throwing the ball straight at Zayn. Fortunately or unfortunately (i dont know how to feel), it misses his head. I look back at Kayla who looks surprised. I leave her and start swimming over to Jade and Zayn and when I get there all I can say is, "Sorry I missed your head."

Jade glares at me, the smile disappeared from her face so fast. Zayn notices and tells her, "He was aiming for me not you."

"I know." she says turning to swim away. Gees here comes that stubborn Jade again. A sigh of frustration comes out before I can stop it. Zayn looks at me weird and I shrug. "Dude." he says before gesturing me to follow her. I don't want to bother her, but I can't resist the urge to talk to her. After a few seconds I do so. I swim faster and grab her leg.

"Where are you going?" I pull her in closer to me. She looks like shes going to kill me but when I smile she softens a bit. My heart speeds up as I notice how close we are and the force of my pull causes her chest to touch mine for a moment. I didn't mean to pull her so hard.

"I dont know... uh to Megan." Her voice is firm as she backs up. I slowly inch toward the stairs on the shallow part and she hesitates but ends up following me like I hope. She sits in front of me awkwardly. Her skin is a delicious tan shade and I can feel a lump form in my throat as I stare at her curvy body. She's the perfect size and shape in every way. I've nevered appreciated the female figure so much before.

"So um. I see your face isnt so bad today." I realize how terrible that sounds when it comes out of my mouth.

"Are you saying I was really ugly before?" she crosses her arms. Everyone else is starting a game of marco polo. I'm really surprised Alex hasnt said anything about me talking to Jade. Maybe he will just kill me later.

"Yeah." I say. What? "I mean no." I rub my forehead with my hand. I cant tell if my forehead is wet from sweat or from the pool water. "I mean from the football."

"Yeah I know what you meant." she smirks a little. "Your face still looks as bad as usual." I laugh a little but then i realize i dont know if she was kidding. I don't care, she's cute and I'm excited to start meeting the funny Jade.

"Are you coming with us tomorrow?" I just remember the annual camping trip that Alex's family goes on every summer. They let me Zayn and Liam tag along since Alex was an only child. I went for the first time last summer, it was the shit.

"What are you talking about?" She looks puzzled and runs her hands over her silky soaked hair to fix it in place.

"We are going camping, your aunt didn't tell you?"

"We? What do you mean we?"

"Well I was assuming you guys were going too because you live here now. But yeah, your aunt takes us to Shasta Lake every summer. Its a hell of a blast. Theres the most beautiful sceneries, you'll love it." I can already imagine her face lighting up and being so interested in the sunsets. They look just like the one she was drawing. She looks distracted but I can't figure out whats wrong.

"I just dont know why my aunt wouldn't mention it. Maybe we aren't going with you guys. Look I followed you to tell you that I don't think it is a good idea talking to you. Alex doesn't exactly approve of it." She almost whispers. Heck with what Alex thinks, I can talk to who I want.

"Who cares." I teasingly punch her shoulder. "Aww are you scared of him?"

"No I just dont want any trouble. I dont want this new beginning to be any more difficult than it should be. So please just stay away from me. Go talk to Kayla or something." I feel a frown starting to form on my face as she swims away. What is it about her that makes me want her to stay. Yet why am I so scared to reach out to her right now. Her last words hurt me. I don't even care about Kayla. I can't imagine not talking to Jade anymore. I went a week and half without doing so and I was slowly beginning to die from it. I don't know what she's doing to me but from the moment I meant her, I can't stand watching her walk away from me.

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