Chapter 4

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It's 3 AM and I can't sleep. My bed is covered with a sea of papers. Everthing from cartoons to birds to unknown creatures of my imagination are brought to life on each sheet. What's next? Spongebob. Definitely Spongebob.

As I'm rounding the tip of Spongebob's nose, I hear a vibration. I look up and the vibrating is coming from my desk. I get up and push off the many items I threw on there while attempting to unpack and realize for the first time that I forgot about abandoning my phone on the table. On the glowing screen I see that I've received 11 messages in total during the whole day.

Luke Hemmings 11:34 AM How's the car ride, we're going to miss you.

Luke Hemmings 6:06 PM Shit, you have no idea how weird our hangouts are now without you.

Luke Hemmings 6:35 PM Oh my god Ashton just pissed on your front lawn.

Luke Hemmings 6:35 PM I mean your old front lawn .-.

Ashton Irwin 6:39 PM NO I DIDN'T whatever Luke just said don't believe it.

Luke Hemmings 6:41 PM Okay Ashton is going to try to convince you he didnt. He's bullshitting it, I even have photo proof!

Lani Kims 6:46 PM I miss you already :( I wish you so much luck in NorCal. They better be nice, ily. Make sure to keep me updated!

Ashton Irwin 6:47 PM Even ask Calum! I didn't do anything!

Calum Hood 6:59 PM Okay sorry these idiots are being really annoying. Ashton did it, case closed. I'll tell them to shut the fuck up now.*picture of ashton, his back is mostly turned to the camera but you can see his smile and a fountain of liquid coming from his lower body. The liquid is spilling on a bush of red roses.*

I cringe at the picture. Damn it Calum you didnt have to show me. And what the hell, those are the roses I planted when I was ten! I cant help but laugh a little. Ashton has always been a goof ball since I've known him. Whatever, if anybody was to piss on my flowers I guess it's okay that it's Ashton. I didn't like the smell of roses anyway.

Luke Hemmings 11:34 PM Hey, Ashton is sorry for what he did. I hope you're doing well. Goodnight :)

Luke Hemmings 3:01 AM I can't sleep actually..fuck. If you're awake please text. No one has heard from you all day. We are kind of worrying as stupid as that sounds... but yeah ... get back to us. You're not too cool for us yet :)

I feel an ache in my heart. From the moment I left my old house I have told myself over and over again to keep my past exactly what it is, my past. I feel so guilty that while my friends have been thinking of me and acknowledging my absense, I haven't thought about them once. I sit down on my bed and close my eyes. Should I even answer? What good is it to carry on friendships that are going to ultimately lead nowhere. We are all going to forget eachother anyway. I bet when school starts they will forget my name. We wont ever see eachother again either. My phone vibrates in my hand.

Luke Hemmings 3:06 AM Watching White Chicks. Haha I was just thinking about how we first watched this movie together. Making my way downtown ...

I can't help but smile. Luke always makes me smile whenever I'm down. He's pale with blonde hair thats longer in the front. As I was leaving he started doing this weird thing with his hair to make it stick up and he started looking really cute. He has beautiful blue eyes and I remember we used to argue over blue or brown eyes being better. Obviously blue wins, he just likes to make me feel better by saying I have the better color. With all this remeniscing I realize I can't just forget a friend like Luke. We've known eachother since third grade. He may not know every detail of me, but right now he's by far one of the only people that know a lot about who I really am. I press reply.

Jade Carmello 3:08 AM Walking fast faces pass and I'm home bound!

I already know A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton will be stuck in my head for the rest of the night if not the whole day when I wake up as well. The tone is incredibly catchy. I wouldn't call it "our song", it's just a song we enjoy joking around with.

Luke Hemmings 3:10 AM And I need you and I miss you and now I wonder

The words make me feel some type of way and I dont know if its warmth or pain.

Jade Carmello 3:11 AM You skipped some lines there buddy :)

Luke Hemmings 3:12 AM I know :)

A smile creeps on my face and I definitely start to feel that warm funny feeling. I think back to fifth grade when I used to have a crush on Luke and he poured pudding on my hair in front of everyone to try and prove we didn't have anything going on between us other than our close friendship. Great idea right? I lay down and begin to feel the heaviness of my eyes. Luke is sweet but I really can't do this right now.

Jade Carmello 3:16 AM Hey, it's getting pretty late. Now that you know that I wasnt abducted by some crazy rabbit, I think I'm going to sleep now. And tell Ashton thanks for pissing on my roses, maybe it'll get rid of that floral scent that lingers around the house that I always hated. Goodnight (:

Luke Hemmings 3:17 AM Sure thing, sleep tight Jade (;

Under my eyelids, memories with Luke pop up like a movie giving me mixed feelings between attraction and friendship. Somewhere within the yellow blondeness and blue eyes, another imagine begins to reel in. I can't quite figure out who this reminds me of. Oh wait. That kid Niall. I believe his eyes are blue too. Ugh that jerk better come back with my magnet first thing in the morning. That magnet has always been special to me. My parents brought it back with them when they returned from Greece. I admire Greek mythology so much so of course it automatically became my favorite when they returned with a mini statue magnet of my favorite goddess, Athena. My heart just shattered along with it when it broke.

My cheeks start to flush when I think about Alex walking in on us. That was so embarassing, not to mention a serious fail attempt of trying to get off on the right foot here. Why was Niall even touching me? He has quite a nerve to be touching me when he doesnt even know me. I admit it was fun while it lasted. His handsome face smiling so close to mine. The nice feeling of his touch despite him violently jabbing me. I guess I could say he's pretty cute the way he jokes around and tries to make me laugh. Or laugh at me. The dude broke one of my prized possessions. But he did offer to fix it.

The imagine of yellowness and blue eyes comes back and I really don't want to think of Niall anymore. Oh no, it's just Spongebob. I should really finish up my drawing but now im too exhausted. I'll just pass out on a pile of papers and hopefully sleep all day. Untill Niall comes back.

(Sorry if you don't get the White Chicks && A thousand miles references , u should really watch the movie if u haven't ITS HILARIOUS . Or just listen to the song, it'll drill into ur head really fast ! Love u all lots ! Xoxo)

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