Chapter 11

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I didn't talk to any more of the guys after leaving Niall. I hated leaving him, but this separation will be the best for both of us. Shortly after anyway the girls and I left the pool because Megan has a date with Louis.

"So I saw the way you look at him Jade, you can't deny it." Megan teases when Kayla leaves my room to shower.

"Stop, theres nothing going on I've only known him for about two weeks." I try not to make eye contact with her as I dry my hair. My hair still smells like chlorine.

"Come on, I just know it. You didn't like how he was touching Kayla huh? The way his arms were wrapping around her waist. Hmmm." She's trying to get under my skin and it's sort of beginning to work.

"I just think he's cute okay, nothing more." I finally admit. A huge smile imerges from her face.

"I knew it!" She screams and lays on my bed. She lowers her voice and says, "Girl you dont have to worry about Kayla. It's been so long that they've been talking, you would think he would've asked her out already if he wanted her. And when they went to Sadies together Kayla said he didn't even give her a kiss on the cheek! Not even a peck! And when she tried to kiss him on the cheek she said he didn't let her. I honestly don't know why she is still trying. He friend zones her 24/7. She has so many guys that want her I think she just wants to prove she could get to anyone she wants."

"Thats not what it looked like out there." I put on some sweats and an All Time Low band t-shirt that's too big on me.

"Please, she went to him. Did you not notice that he went up to you? I did and wow did you leave him there with a priceless face when you came over to me. You should have seen it!" The thought of his "priceless" face breaks me and satisfies me at the same time.

"Honestly I don't like him, I barely know him except for the fact that he's a goof ball that plays soccer and video games. That's like every other boy on the block. Is he even in our grade?" I sit across from her on the bed.

"For your information, every boy on the block does not weep at your tail the way he does! You're beautiful, you can wrap him around your finger!" She exclaims. "And of course he's in our grade!"

"Why are you even encouraging this? Your best friend has been working so hard to get him. I don't want to get into any mess..." I tell her. I regret telling Megan about thinking Niall is cute because if she'd talk about her best friend like this I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to back stab me.

"Because Megan here, having her special insiders, knows there is nothing in store for those two. He knows what's good for him." She combs her fingers through her ombré hair. "Plus she knows I'm not entirely on her side about this. I'm trying to get her to open her eyes and stop chasing what she can't get."

"I don't think it's worth it." I admit.

"What's not worth it?" Kayla walks in drying her hair with a towel.

"Um, this shirt that I saw at Forever. I really want it but it's over $20 and I think I can get something way better for a cheaper price. " I think of a subject change quickly.

"That is so true." She moves to the mirror now combing her beautiful brunette hair. She truly is pretty and I kind of envy her appearance. "Ugh, Megan did you see the way he held me today. I think I'm finally getting somewhere with him." Megan gives me an annoyed look.

"He does that with everyone. Didn't you see him touching Jade too?" Megan was right about openly discouraging Kayla. "Calm your tits."

"You know you can be a real bitch sometimes Megan." Kayla says in a sassy voice. I don't understand why these two are friends.

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