Chapter 32

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By the time I get to the party, the majority of the crowd is already there. I  plan on waiting for Jade here. I thought that it would be cool to introduce her to some of the students at our school before the school year starts so that she will feel welcome from the beginning instead of a few weeks of being uncomfortable. I dont want her to waste any part of her senior year.

The music shakes the house and the whole room is a jumble of indistinct chatter and laughter.

I squeeze through the crowds of people to find Zayn, but to my luck, Kayla finds me first. Before she says anything I already know she's drunk. She backs me up into one of the halls, tripping onto me and spilling half of her drink on the floor. A high pitched laugh escaped from her throat as she pats the wet spot with her hand thinking thats going to clean it.

"Kayla, I think you're done drinking." I take her cup and put it on a table.

"What makes you say that?" She puts her palms on my chest. A strong scent of perfume dominates the smell of beer on her.

"It's not good for you."

"Don't act like you haven't drunken this much before." She wraps her arms around my neck and places her head on my shoulder. I remove her from me and inch away from her.

"I need to go." I start to leave but she pushes me against a door.

"You dont need to go anywhere Niall." She utters. She opens the door and i stumble into a room. Liam turns around abruptly and that girl by the name of MIca sits up from the bed in a panic, covering herself with a blanket. I'm caught like a deer in the headlights. 

"Really Niall?! Get the fuck out of here dude!" Liam points me to the door where I gladly exit out of. I shut the door and speed walk down the hall, leaving Kayla laughing on the floor. I find Zayn in the livingroom and take a seat at the couch next to the window.

"Glad you made it. You're staying this time right?" Zayn hands me his cup with one hand, keeping the other around Patrisha who is sitting on his lap. I regret taking this seat because at the moment of my decision I didn't realize Louis and Megan are intensly making out next to me.

"For a bit atleast, it's Jade's birthday, I was going to take her to the movies later if she wanted to go." I decide not to drink the cup he gave me, I'm not feeling like drinking tonight. It's not because my dad is home, he's gone until about 3 AM tonight, it's because I want to be completely sober when I'm with Jade.

"Aye is that her out there?" Zayn says, pointing outside the window. I turn and see Jade closing the door of a black car I dont recognize. I get up ready to embrace her and scream happy birthday, but then I see a guy exit the driver's seat. His hair is different, but I do recall him as that guy named Luke. What is he doing here?

Then he swiftly grabs her and kisses her. Kisses her. Kisses my Jade. My chest caves in and my blood boils. I swallow hard, thinking, hoping my eyes are playing tricks on me.

"Oh shit!" I hear behind me and I know it's from Zayn.

I want to turn around and punch him in the jaw but my muscles aren't functioning. My feet are stuck to the ground and my eyes are plastered onto her.

 When she separates from him she meets full eye contact with me and I can tell shes surpised. She yells at him and as quickly as he got out of his car, he gets back in and drives away.

"Niall are you okay?" Louis flicks my arm. She stands there on the side walk covering her face. "Niall dont make me punch you in the nuts."

I leave the livingroom without saying anything to anyone. I storm down the lawn and onto the sidewalk, heading the opposite way from Jade. The lawn was damp and soaked my converse but I dont care. My socks are squishy and I can feel water seeping out of them with ever heavy step I take.

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