Chapter 5

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I feel chills on my arms and begin touching around my bed for my blanket. Where the hell is that thing? I force my eyelids open slowly and peek over my bed. Why do my blankets always end up on the floor? My body feels like it's a million pounds, I wonder what the time is, it seems like it's so early. I see a bit of sunlight slipping in from behind my blinds. I'm too lazy to reach for my blanket so I just roll over and cover my upper body with a pillow.

OUCH. I feel something pointy stabbing my leg. I pat my pants and remember the broken magnet. I got home so late last night I wasn't in the mood to even change and just ended up passing out in my day clothes. I reach into my pants pocket to take out the two pieces.

I feel a pit in my stomach when I notice instead of two large pieces there are four smaller ones. I'm scared to even look at the destruction I made, Alex's cousin is seriously going to be pissed. I mean I'm pretty sure shes not going to kick my ass ...nah she's a girl, she can't.

With this sudden panic and guilt I know I can't go back to sleep. What am I even going to do? I can't see her or Alex will be the one kicking my ass. I consider just giving it to Alex to give to her but she'd hate me if I return it to her without an explanation for the extra broken pieces which I'm sure she will notice. Why does it even matter if she hates me? For some reason it does.

I lay in bed for a few minutes before getting up and brushing my teeth. I see my reflection in the mirror and cringe at the sight of my hair. My blonde hairs are sticking out messily all over the place. I look like shit. I smell like sweat from last night because we were playing soccer at the park until 11:00 pm after we left Alex's house. I peel off my smelly clothes and take a nice cool shower.


"Dad where's the hot glue gun?" I dug through every drawer in my house and I can't seem to find it at all. He's sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and the newspaper.

"Look in Greg's room, I think he was using it the other day." he tells me after taking a sip from his cup. Why didn't I think of that?

My feet tickle on the cold wooden floors of our house as I head to Greg's door. I gently knock and after a long silence I know he isn't in there. I walk in and after digging through piles of clothes and papers I find what I'm looking for.

Back in my room, I'm terrified to retrieve the pieces from my pants. What if I can't fix it? I take a deep breathe as I spill out the pieces on my table. Oh gosh I really must've crushed it in my sleep or yesterday as I hit the ground during the game. The statue is chipped in some areas but I think ultimately it will stick together. My heart stops as I apply the glue to a piece, trying to be delicate so I don't cause anymore damage. I manage to get it back to one piece but honestly it looks really bad.

I'm mad at myself for making her depend on me and I just ended up making it worse. I just can't stop thinking of the way her face looked when she saw it broken and that makes me want to take back my stupid actions. Will the magnet even hold this up? I decide to head to my kitchen and try it out on the fridge. I nervously place it on the cold white surface of the fridge and exhale when it stays. Despite my effort, I can't help but feel so bad. I'm sure this piece of art looked so much better before I came around. The glue sloppily oozes out from where I attached the parts and the chipped areas will never be fixed. I hope she can forgive me, I know how much this must mean to her. Why am I such an idiot?

As I'm about to take my shame into my room I come up with a brilliant idea. On my fridge I spot a magnet shaped as my home country. It has the Irish flag on it with the word "Ireland" written across.

Maybe if I give her a new one along with the one I fixed, it'll make up for everything. I snatch it off the fridge, my family wouldn't miss it anyway, and I check my phone. 1:04 PM. I'm supposed to be at Alex's for a round of FIFA. As I lace up my converse I try to strategize ways to give the magnets to his cousin without him knowing. I'll figure it out later.

My stomach growls from eating nothing for breakfast or lunch, but all I can think about is hoping she'll like what I give her.

(Sorry it's a kind of simple chapter. Do you guys think niall is actually going to start having feelings for Jade? & who do you guys want to see jade with, luke or niall? Just curious on what you guys are thinking! Xoxo)

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