Chapter 26

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Niall's POV

Mr. Walker drops me off last. I'm glad to be home for once, hidden within the cream walls will give me comfort. Something about the dark domain appeals to me right now. I see a cop car in the driveway. Dad must be home for lunch.

The door is unlocked so I just walk right in. I cover my left ear with my free hand when I hear a loud banging noise. What the hell? The crashing continues and it's coming from down the hall.

"Dad?!" I drop my bag and run toward the hallway. My first assumption is that my Dad is in trouble, struggling with someone who tried to break in or something but when I reach the end of the hall my bedroom door is wide open. It's my dad, holding what remains of my guitar over his back ready to smash it against the wooden tiles.

Everything dead inside me suddenly resurrects and before I can think, I'm tackling him, trying to pull my guitar away.

"Stop! Dad!" My voice cracks.

I watch before me as my dad takes shape of a horrifying monster. He glares at me, his nostrils flared and his eyes blood shot with anger. He pushes me off of him with one shove on my shoulder and cuts the air with my guitar, cracking it against the floor, shaking the house. An earthquake of shock and panic causing havoc inside me.

My breathes jump in and out and my head aches with rage and frustration. The body of my acoustic guitar is split into many different sections and the strings are flailing all over the place. I fling myself at him one more time, but he throws my guitar at the wall where it completely splits at the neck, into two desolate, innocent, pieces.

"Dad!" The events replay over and over in my mind and bullets shoot through the back of my head. My chest rips open. I drop to my knees at my guitar and accumulate the pieces, my heart sunken to the deepest darkest depths. I have the feeling as if someone slung me in the gut and my throat burns.

"You think I brought you away from your rotten mother so you can come here and waste your life?!" He roars at me but theres a ringing in my ears as I examine every bruise on my instrument, every cry of pain echoeing in my head as he smashed it against the ground violently. The wall and floor must be badly scarred as well but I cant take my eyes off the destruction in front of me.

His voice sounds like a million miles away.

What has he done? My fingers run over the strings that I would pluck late at night when no one ever had the right words to speak to me. This once beautiful item that produced my happiness now lays useless in silence.

My guitar meant absolutely everything to me. It held the part of me that no one could ever understand. The only part of me that was truly me. The only part that I wanted to be.

"Answer me now!" My dad tugs me by my hood and I fall back on my bum. I dont dare look at him.


"Yes or no!"

"No sir..." I take painful swallows and blink rapidly to relieve my sore eyes. I bring my shirt up to wipe my runny nose with my collar.

"Skipping practices aye?" His voice bounces off the walls and slams into my head as he takes my sheet music off my table, ripping them into pieces. I want to save them but I know it's no use. "Getting drunk? Seeing girls?" He crumples a sheet and throws it at my headboard.

I shiver everytime something escapes his mouth and every noise belittles me, forcing me closer and closer to the corner of the room.

"Do you think I'm a fool?! What kind of son have I raised! I ask one thing of you! Focus on your future and you go and do this! Do you think that is good for you?!"

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