Chapter 30

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I result to leaning against the door and its not until I start hearing loud bangs that I begin trying to open it again. The bangs are thunderous and shake the whole wall. What is he doing?! Is he insane?!

"Niall!" I scream, "Niall open the door right now!" I bite down hard on my cheeks. I could probably burn a hole right through the door, but instead I slam my fists against it.

"Niall!" The bangs finally stop and the door swings open, my hand in the air almost crashing into his face. His mouth shapes an O and he lifts a brow.

"Dont kill me now, will ya?" He holds out both hands and pulls me into the room.

I look to the side and see a huge whiteboard nailed to my wall. Its not as large as even half of the size of the one's on classroom walls, but it still looks big. I couldn't be anymore confused.

"Niall, I think I should be thanking you for some reason, but I'm sorry, what is this supposed to be?"

"Get your magnets." He releases his grib on my hands so I can find them.


"Babe" He drops his shoulders and facepalms himself. He squeezes his lips together and I can tell he's excited and impatient. I grab the box next to my bed.

"What's going on?"

He hugs me from behind and rests his head on my shoulder.

"I want you to put them up." He turns me around.

"As I've gotten to know you, I've learned to understand how much these mean to you. They arent just some silly objects like I thought they were. They're apart of you. Apart of your parents. But you keep them hidden in a box just like you've kept inside your fears, your anger, even the truth. Lately you've been facing and embracing these things that you've tucked away and I admire you so much for being strong enough to push through what has been dragging you down for so long. You're finally letting them out.

"I always knew there was so much more behind a saddened face. They're apart of your past, but you need your past to be where you are now; to be this wonderful girl I've found myself craving for. You told me that these magnets help you remember. Specifically your parents. Dont erase them to try and make things better no matter how bad the situation is. Just because they're gone doesn't mean they're not with you. You need to remember them for everything good. Not hide them." He picks up magnets one by one.

"All these places, cities, countries, these are your dreams Jade. Your future adventures. Dont give up on them. You're capable of adventure, sweetness, love, trust. I want you to remember that everyday. Dont hold back anymore. Especially not with me."

He sticks his hand in his pocket and pulls out the magnet from Ireland that I refused to take before.

"I want you to take this. Actually, I need you to take this because I want to be apart of your life too. I'm going to do the best I can to be your greatest adventure. No matter what happens, I want you to always remember me." He holds the magnet out to me and my hands shake as I take it. I run my fingers over the plastic cursive letters that spell out Ireland. I drop my box on my bed and throw a ginormous hug onto Niall. I squeeze him so hard I feel like im going to suffocate him. He laughs into my ear and lifts me up. I let out a little sqeal as he runs me toward the board.

"Put it up!" He tells me, holding me up to reach the highest corner of the white board. I softly touch the magnet to the board and it stays. He drops me lightly and we resume our hug.

"Thank you so much Niall. No one has ever done something so thoughtful for me before. This is absolutely perfect." I say into his shirt. Its true. Not even Luke did anything this special. Niall actually took the time to think this through. For me. He cares about understanding and is very successful at doing so. That's all I would've asked for from him and he's done it perfectly already.

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