Chapter 27

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The bathroom is cramped and dark and all I can hear is our panting.

Why did I come here again?

Why didn't I just keep running when my mind told me to?

To see if there was beer. Or any alcoholic beverage.

Of course.

I came here for a drink.

One drink.

Two drinks.

Three drinks.

I can't remember how much I had but it's not hitting me at all.

It's not helping me forget like I thought it would.

"Let me out!" I find Niall after punching the air a few times and he grabs me by the wrists. I can smell that familiar fresh scent he carries around with him.

"You need to listen. Please. Then I will try my very hardest to stay away from you if you still want me to."

"I don't want to talk to you!"

"I'm not moving from this door and you can't get out with me in front of it so you might as well listen."

What does he have to tell me? Does he intend on feeding me more lies? Does life really hate me so much that I always end up coincidentally crossing paths with him? I'm not even mad anymore. I'm just sick and exhausted. I relax so that he can speak and I can get out. I'll just pretend to listen.

He releases my wrists and leans back on the door, finally switching the lights on. Then I see how bad it is.

Nialls face is pale and lifeless, his eyes hollow and bloodshot. His usual luscious quiff is unkempt and wild. He throws his head back, breathes out, and I watch his Adam's apple roll as he swallows.

"Don't speak until I'm done, okay?" He keeps his eyes shut until I say yes.

"It wasn't a prank Jade. I was being stupid, I didn't want Alex to tell my dad. I was hoping the cover would get him to not say anything, but of course he did anyway. I shouldn't have even been there... I'm sorry I was just worried. I couldn't stand around like everyone else going about their normal day while you lay passed out. I wanted to stay with you until you woke."

He fiddles with his fingers as he speaks. His words barge into my head even though I don't want to hear them and the pain in his voice tortures me. I can't stop from feeling sympathy.

"I didn't mean to blow everything that happened. Everything between us, it meant so much to me. I loved the opportunity of spending a moment with you. Every smile I plant on your face makes me remember what I'm living for. You give me a new kind of happiness that I never knew could exist. I never wanted to hurt you. It kills me every second of the day knowing I did. And I know sorry doesn't cut it. I know you probably don't care. But I just want for you to know that I care. I care about you so much and I would do anything for you to let me back into your life again. That's the truth."

He walks closer to me and grabs my wrists lightly. Not as a restriction but as an affectionate action. He hugs my hands to his chest.

"You showed me not to let someone else run my life. I didn't fully realize that until today. This is me taking charge. I want you. I don't care what everyone else says."

I feel numb and warm at the same time, buzzed off his speech rather than the alcohol. He pulls all my knots loose and suddenly I'm his again.

"I hope you aren't drinking because of me. I can smell the alcohol on you. I want to be the reason you forget all your troubles, not that. It doesn't do good things to people."

He presses his warm forehead against mine, our noses nearly touching.

I watch as his chest rises and falls. He desires me so much. I desire him. That's the truth. I don't know why it's so easy to forgive him, but I want him closer. I want him to pull me through every labyrinth I get caught in. He makes it so easy.

I hold his eyes with mine.

"I want you too. Stay with me." It comes out like butter.

I swear in that moment I see life ignite in him.

Slowly but sweetly, he leans in closer. Taunting, innocent. His eyes shut and when I process the message and close my eyes as well, his thin soft lips press against mine.

Electricity takes over.

The warmth from his lips travels onto mine, spreading through my cheeks, down my neck, through to the the last inch of my extremities. A smile forces on my face and tempts me to stand on the tips of my toes to disappear into this kiss even more.

I release my hands from his and wrap them around his freckled neck, closing the gap between us.

His lips slightly part and the soft, damp part of his mouth brushes against my lip, sending a whole new chain of hormones rushing through my body

The universe stops.

He presses me against the wall, placing one hand on my cheek and another on my waist. He's shaking. I steady his hand with mine.

His lips are a bit off rhythm once it turns from a gentle kiss into a hard make out but I don't care.

Kissing Niall is a beautiful art. Honest. Every move is meaningful. We travel through the color schemes. We blend together.

I run my fingers through his hair and bite his lip slightly which releases a small groan from his mouth. He squeezes the small of my back and traces his fingers on my neck.

I pull him between me by his belt buckles and he shivers.

Was that too fast?

There's a knock at the door.

Thanks for reading! Hehe stay tuned to know who it is, please vote if you liked it :) xoxo.

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