Chapter 35

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"That boy is no good."
I turn up the volume on my stereo and drain out the sound of my mother's voice. She trudges across my room, stepping over piles of dirty clothes and balled up pages of homework assignments. She pulls the plug for my stereo out from the outlet on my velvet painted wall.

"I don't want to see you hanging out with him anymore. It's 2 in the morning, what do his parents say about him staying out this late because I damn sure don't approve of it!"

"His parents don't care, chill out it's not like we are having sex or something." I reach over the side of my bed and pull up my black Jansports backpack. I rummage through it to find my iPod. It's a bit too quiet for too long so I peer up at my mother who is gawking in disgust.

"I want you out if this house." She blinks tears from her eyes and tries to look as stern as possible. She looks ten years older than she actually is.

"Right." I roll my eyes and toss my bag back on the ground, turning over on my side so that my back is to her.

"I want you out, figure out what you're going to do on your own. I bore a daughter that could love and respect me not one that roams the streets like a rat and abuses my hospitality." She exits the room, leaving me silent on my bed.

I feel a tug in my gut, but plug my Ipod and wait for the next step of our routine. Mother stumbles into my room and kneels at my bed side pleading for forgiveness and wishing me a goodnight.

I wake up exasperated again with the memory still lingering in my mind. I shake it away as usual. Everything is a blur. I close my eyes and rest my head for a few more seconds.

My eye lids feel rusty as I force them open for a second time, the tiny rays of sunlight blinding me. I try to raise my arms to rub my eyes clear but a searing pain rushes through my left arm. Oh yeah, it's broken. I also find that my other hand has something wrapped in it. I blink multiple times before making out an adorably messy quiff laying beside me on the far edge of my pillow. Niall breathes slowly, gracefully, and his fingers intertwined with mine.

I never imagined waking up next to him, but now I wish it could happen every morning. I almost forget our argument before all of this because this moment feels so perfect. I rather not ruin it by thinking about that. Since he's here, I'm guessing he forgives me.

I gradually release my hand from his, wiping my eyes and seeing my crippled body laying before me, bandaged, casted, bleeding, and completely crappy to sum it all up.

I last remember my aunt planting her lips on my forehead and leaving me to rest on this bed with that doctor looming over me. Before that, I remember all too well about that incident with Harry. Over the pain of my injury, my skin still crawls with disgust from his touch. 

Niall is still in his outfit from last night, tight black jeans, a white tshirt and a blue flannel. I lay into his quiff because it looks soft and comfy. I was right, my face sinks into his cloud like blonde locks and it automatically triggers life back into him. He lifts his head and flutters his eyes open. I'm semi disappointed that the comfyness of the position was ruined but when he smoothly transitions from a yawn to a bright smile, I know this is so much better. 

"Jade!" His hand rests on my cheek. "I'm so sorry, I should've been there with you I..."

"Niall." I'm surprised at the lack of power in my voice. He swiftly passes me a cup of water that must have come from the table beside my bed. I let the refreshing water settle on my tongue then stream down my throat. 

"You don't have to apologize Niall, I get it. We can just move on from this, we dont have to discuss it. I physically dont have the effort to talk about it anyway." I take a deep breathe from my nose and he just nods.

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