Chapter 17

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"You guys ain't ready for this!" Zayn exclaims as he speeds up the boat. He makes an extremely sharp turn and I'm almost scared that we are going to capsize.

"Whoa, watch out there!" My uncle says as he holds on to his sunglasses. My uncle, aunt, and Jenny sit separated from each other at the back of the boat. Today was the first day I've really seen my uncle and aunt together in the same place. They sit on opposite sides of a seat which I find really strange. I wonder how they do it, I mean as in keep their relationship steady when my uncle is gone almost 24/7.

Zayn speeds right into one of the waves he created and my butt leaves my seat. I hug the side of the boat as I slam back down. The boat lifts and my gut feels tingly when the boat completely flies off the water for a split second.

"Jade you were literally like 12 inches off the seat! Hold on tight, we don't want you falling out now!" Liam shouts. The wind whips my hair everywhere and Im just cracking up at Niall who is waving his hands around in the air like he's on a roller coaster. This kid has lost his mind. After a few donuts and riding over more bumpy waves, Zayn stops in an open area.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to swim." He says as he begins to unbuckle his belt. Niall and I are already prepared so we both stand at the edge of the boat debating on who will jump in first. I hold on only with my toes and I try to keep my balance.

"You're going!" Niall reaches out to try to push me in but I tackle him and we both fall. The water feels amazing and even though it's super cold, I quickly adapt to it. I'm attached to Niall like a koala when we surface; my arms and legs wrapped around his body, and my face is close to his. His smile reaches all the way to his eyes and I can't stop myself from blushing. I've never met someone whose constantly so lively and full of energy. Well except for when I sort of went off on him on my porch, but I never want to make him frown again. He's perfect with a bright smile perched on his face. If he really wanted to, I bet he could light up the world with it.

Maybe I need this, maybe I need him to be my escape from all the troubles I'm running away from. No Jade you're wrong, he's just a boy, it'll be easier to get through it yourself. If you know what's best, you'll stay away. I poke his cheek which is as squishy as I thought it would be and then I swim away to hide my pink face. I float on my back as the rest of the boys join us.

Niall was right, the sunset is absolutely gorgeous. The way the different shades of pink collide with the blueness of the sky is magnificent. The sun retires behind the mountain's silhouette and streaks shoot through the puffy cotton candy clouds just above the sun. The twinkling lake is calm and for once in a long time, I am too.


The campsite is exactly as we left it when we return. As soon as we get there I go to my tent and grab everything I need to take a shower. I pass a swing set on my way to the bathroom which isn't a long distance from our lot and also notice we are the only group here other than two RVs parked far from us. For a campground, the bathrooms are actually decent. When you enter there are two sinks, then two stalls, one huge one small, and at the back are the two showers with a bench in front of them. It's actually clean to my surprise and doesn't smell.

The shower head runs hot water too to my liking. I pull the curtain closed as I step on the foamy mat (with my sandals on of course) and it occurs to me for the first time that someone might be out to prank me while I'm in here. I should've asked Jenny to be my lookout but who am I kidding, why would she do that for me?

Suddenly I'm extremely paranoid and I feel like someone is watching me. I can hear faint sounds outside the bathroom window while I rub my body with soap and I can't tell if it's real or my imagination. As I wash shampoo out of my hair, I refuse to close my eyes because I don't want to open them and see someone appear outside of my curtain. At the worst given moment, some conditioner gets into my eyes and I'm forced to shut them. In a panic attempt to wash it out, my heart races and I swear I can hear footsteps. Shit shit shit. I open my eyes finally and nothing.

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