Chapter 37

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I stick my head in and see Luke sitting beside Jade's bed. Luke. Of course. I wonder how long he's been here. I remember him saying he went by her house to pick her up today but I'm going to ignore my curiousity of why he was picking her up. Jade is laying down facing him, her eyes swollen. When she sees me she automatically tries to sit up.

"Hey, hey, hey. You dont need to do that." I walk to her and settle her body back down. I can feel Luke's eyes on me. 

"Luke this is Niall in case you didn't know." Jade says sweetly. 

"Yeah. I know." He puts his hand out to shake mine. I awkwardly shake his hand back. 

"Listen, Jade explained everything to me and I just wanted to apologize..."

"Too much apologizing lately." I groan. "It's fine man. I think we are all shook up from last night and I think the best thing is to just let it all settle, I forgive you."

"Agreed." He nods.

"How are you doing?" I plant a soft kiss on her warm cheek and tuck her bangs behind her ear.

"I'm holding up." She closes her eyes and leans her cheek into my palm.

"I left my phone here, did you happen to find it?" Her smile fades and I automically sense that something is wrong. I can see Luke almost reach for her but then he holds himself back. 

"Yeah." She seems to be staring into space now. "Actually Luke can you give us a moment please I need to speak with Niall really fast." 

Luke gets up and leaves, closing the door behind him. 

"What is it Jade?" I'm afraid Mr. Walker got to her first and fed her a bunch of lies that explains why she should stay away from me. "Did your uncle say anything because..."

"No, they haven't come back yet. I'm assuming they went out to eat because he dropped the Chinese food." She holds on to my wrist but doesn't look at me. I sit down on the chair which is still warm from Luke sitting there. "It's your phone. You got a call. From a woman. She..."

My mouth drops as I realized she answered her mother's call. My dad mustn't have changed the numbers fast enough. I mentally scold myself for messing up. She wasn't supposed to find out that way. I wasn't even sure if I was going to tell her at all. 

"She sounded exactly like my mother... and I could've sworn I was hallucinating... so to make sure, please tell me who it was? She kept calling you none stop." She finally looks at me and my mind panics because I dont know what to say. I dont know if I should tell her the truth because its the right thing to do or to lie to protect the stability of my family. 

"It..." She stares me down and I knew I came here to warn her that her uncle was going to transfer her, but I didn't think about this part. If I can't stop her from leaving, I want to atleast cherish the last moments with her. And then I realize, I can't lie to her now.

"It was her." I nod. 

She loosens the grip on my wrist and her eyes become glossy. 

"I dont understand." 

"I know you must not, I didn't either at first but..."

"How is she alive?! How long have you known she was alive? What about my dad?!" her voice suddenly becoming defensive.

"Its beens... since that day you left me with Alex on the porch. Your dad is alive too." She lets go of my wrist completely and I long to have her touch back. 

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?" her voice cracks. She blinks wildly and forces herself to completely sit up. "How did you know? How is that any of your concern?!" She attacks me with questions. 

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