Chapter 8

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(Iapologize if this is really long. Let me knw if u guys want me to make the chapters shorter. Xoxo)


"Niall get your ass over here! It's your t-" the dark haired guy says before turning and realizing I'm not Niall. I just walked through the door after saying the stupidest things in the world.

The guy who I believe to be Liam laughs, "Zayn you're an idiot."

"My bad, go get your boyfriend baby. Its his turn." They all give me accusing looks and I can feel Alex boiling. I grunt and try not to run up the stairs. I want to stay composed, don't let them get to you Jade. I'm still pushing back tears that were on the verge of escaping. I dont want to cry, I've been doing that too much for the past few weeks.

I close my door behind me without slamming it and lean against the wall. What was I thinking? Why did I just say all that to Niall? I don't need to go around telling my business especially not to people like Niall who dont deserve to know. He really did say those things and then he tried to make an excuse about it.

I slide down and hug my knees, taking in deep breathes. The way his face looked when he realized I knew what he said about me. And that gift he was trying to give me... maybe he was trying to be nice. Nice or not, we can't be friends. Alex made it clear that we shouldn't even be associating. I don't even want to talk to him right now anyway, after him calling me pathetic and annoying I just feel stupid when I'm around him. He's just so strange to me. How could someone be so naturally happy like he is? He comes off as that person who's constantly laughing and smiling. I wish my life could be like that. Maybe that's why I'm so mad at him for making fun of me. He's so ignorant about my life, he doesnt even know me and he doesn't understand. His innocent eyes tell me he hasn't experienced real hurt. It wasn't until I nearly spilled out my life story did Niall's smile begin to fade for the first time since I've seen him. Maybe he really was starting to feel sorry. I should be happy for telling him off and making him feel bad but for some reason I dont.

I lay down on the ground scolding myself for mentioning my parents. I haven't talked about them to anyone in a while... well except recently when I told Jenny not to speak of them. I blew that off too. Ugh I'm such a hypocript. My head hurts and I don't know why this "new beginning" has turned out to be this complicated. I never asked for it to be perfect. I just wanted things to change, for me to be happy, the way Niall always looks. But instead here I am with my cousin, sister, and the first possible "friend" I've made, mad at me.

Before I know what I'm doing I'm grabbing that jacket I bought and I walk out of my door. I almost stop when I remember that Niall will be down stairs, but I dont care. Im not going to imprison myself in my room because of him. When I reach the bottom of the stairs Niall and Zayn are intensely playing and Liam and Alex are intensely distracted by their game. I slip out the door without being noticed, I'll text my aunt later that I'm going out. "Out." I dont know where, just "out".

I take a left on the sidewalk and walk straight for about fifteen minutes, clearing my mind and practically thinking of nothing but how beautiful this neighborhood is. I wonder if these people that have all these nice things are really happy with what they have in life, or if the elegance is just for show. Up ahead I spot a park and a playground. As childish as it seems, I think i've found a place to settle.

I feel the slightly damp grass on my butt through my leggings as I take a seat in the field. The grass is vibrant green and has tiny patches of dandelions. I finally check my phone today and see a couple of messages from Luke that I'm not ready to respond to. Instead, I lay back on the grass and play Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade on my phone, trying to relax as I watch the different formations of the clouds. I stay like this for at least 10 minutes and the stress within me slowly seeps away. I could lay here forever and... OH MY GOD.

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