Chapter 21

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"I really don't know Niall. I dont know where my parents are, that's fact number three." A shock of realization shoots through my head. Why did I just say that? I never speak about my parents to just anyone and this is my second time doing it to Niall. Everything around us makes me feel distant from reality, laying on Niall's comfortable arm as he holds me close to his warm body and we stare up at the stars. Before I spoke, nothing existed except him and I. Maybe this mellow state has made my thoughts just run out of my mouth without me reevalutating them. I dont want to ruin the vibe right now, but i can't talk to Niall about my parents. They always come into my mind and leave me a mess, yet I dont need him sypathizing me.

I reach over and place my hand on him, tracing down his trembling chest. Niall is so delicate under my fingers. He practically stops breathing and flutters his eyes closed once I touch him. I can feel the familiar bumps of his six pack under his thin shirt and I try to steady my own breathing. Gosh he's hot. When I pass his belly button I hear him gulp.

It's adorable how I make him timid. As easy as it would be to fall for him right now, I dont want to. Why does someone so nice and innocent have to like me? I can tell he does by the way he looks at me, the way he lights up when he sees me happy, how he shook when he held my hand, the way he lays here right now like an angel with his arm around me. I wonder how lucky I am to be here with him like this. It doesnt matter because someone like him deserves better than me and someone like me doesn't deserve anyone as great as him. I'm nearly heartless and I can hurt him so easily.

I'm driving him crazy as I reach the rim of his shorts. Once I have him distracted, I grab the flashlight from his shorts and spring up.

"And you thought I wouldn't reach there huh!" I wave the flashlight at him from a safe distance and shine the light in his face which he is wiping like he just woke up.

"Is that all you were aiming for?" His voice is hoarse and deep. Did he seriously just say that?

"You boys never stop thinking of your penis do you?" I shake my head and he dusts dirt off of himself as he stands up.

"You cant..." He stops and wipes the back of his neck nervously while clearing his throat.

"I can't what?"

"You can't tease a guy like that, that's pure evil." He stares at his shoes sheepishly.

"Teasing? How?" I act like I dont know what hes talking about which makes him look even more shy.

"Nevermind." He shrugs and makes his way up the bank with his head still down. Gee, I didn't even mean to make him feel bad.

On the way back to camp, Niall slowly comes back out of his shell and I'm glad to welcome the zesty Niall back. He swears again that he heard something in the forest and even tells me about how he found this trail last year because when Alex pranked him he ran for his life and took this random trail to hide. He fell in love with what it led to the same way I did.

"Stop." Niall abruptly turns around, switches of his flashlight, and grabs my shoulder. "Turn off your flashlight."

"Okay if you really think you're going to prank me its not going to work." This kid just doesn't give up.

"No, I'm serious, please just do this for me." He wraps his hand over the top of my flashlight, blocking the light. I finally shut it off with a sigh and he points upward. "Look." I do as he says and above us is a huge openning through the trees that reveals a perfect view of the stars. I can never get used to this sight.

"I know how much you like the stars, I want you to see it as much as you can before we leave back home. We can keep walkiing without the flashlights if that's fine with you." The small gestures he does for me warms my heart and I can't even tell if he's real anymore. I nod a smile and we keep walking. Niall puts his arm around me to keep me from falling after I nearly trip a few times because I'm too busy looking up to know where I am going. I almost want to stop us and stay out here away from the world where I can just be happy with him, but I know that isn't possible.

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