Chapter 6

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"Jade, look at me." Luke says as I watch the clear stream rush passed my feet. My tears are falling faster than ever down my cheeks. The stream washes away these miserable parts of me as my tears plummet into its refreshing water. I can't look at him. I hate letting him see me this way.

"Jade, please." He places his finger under my chin and gently pushes up my face to look at him.

"Luke. I..." I meet his eyes and get lost in them. I see his eyes watering and I feel my gut tighten. "Don't." I sniffle.

"Everything you've gone through, I just wish I could make it all disappear. I'd do anything to make you feel better. You don't deserve this." He nearly whispers. His eyes stay with mine. I pull away my glance and wipe my irritated eyes.

"You know nothing can make this better."

"I just wish you didn't have to go." He gives me a hug. "But I know it's for the best." I hear the sorrow in his voice.

"I don't want to go." I cry onto his chest.

"You have to go." He tells me.

"Wake up."


"Jade wake up!" Jenny is standing at the side of my bed when I open my eyes and she has a strange face on as she looks at the mess I'm sleeping on. "Aunt Marie wants you to eat lunch before it gets cold. You already missed breakfast." She leaves the room without waiting for my reply.

I close my eyes and they still sting from the dream. I remember that day too precisely, the way I watched Luke nearly break apart in front of me when I told him I was moving away. I wanted to comfort him, but I was never as good as he is at doing that. He knew the whole situation and despite how terrible it was, he still tried to keep smiles on our faces. My heart feels heavy and my eyes water on the sides. I dont want to feel this way. I force myself out of bed and brush my teeth after washing the dreadful memories off my face. I can do this. I can get over everything that happened.

"Hey! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in forever!" my Uncle Chris greets me with a hug when I reach the dining table. He has short dark hair like Alex and a tamed mustache over his upper lip. His brown eyes look tired with the additon of small wrinkles beginning to form around his face. I almost forgot he lives here too, him being at work the entire day yesterday. He must've been really quiet when he came home late because I didn't hear him.

"I'm doing well, and you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Please have a seat, Marie will bring you your food, she already has a plate ready for you. I'm just about to head out for work so I'll see you all later okay?" He flashes a grin at everyone at the table and then leaves in his perfectly ironed suit. I take a seat between Jenny and Alex who are already finishing up their meals. Aunt Marie serves me a plate of salmon, corn, and rice and I thank her before she leaves the room to do whatever she does on these days at this time. The awkward silence between us three is beginning to kill me as I take a bite of the wonderful food. I didnt notice how hungry I am until now.

"So. Where'd you guys go last night?" I finally say to Alex as he finishes his meal. He hesitates before answer as if wondering why I'm being nosy. I dont blame him.

"We went to the park to play soccer."

"Really? That late?" I laugh. "I mean I consider myself a serious soccer player but I dont play all the way up to 11:00 pm. Dont you guys get tired?

"Yeah but there's nothing much really to do and we really enjoy playing. We like to get a lot of practice over the summer before school comes and the soccer season starts." He explains. Jenny makes annoying noises on her plate as she scrapes the last of her corn into her mouth.

"Oh, does Niall play for the school team too?" I feel kind of nervous saying his name for some reason and I nearly choke on it. Alex is quiet for a fews seconds.

"Yeah. He's on varsity." I smile a little at the thought of Niall and I having something in common. We both love soccer. Alex notices my smile and automatically pounces on it.

"Why are you smiling?" He sounds annoyed.

"Nothing its just..."

"Look, I dont mean to be rude or anything. But dont get your hopes up about Niall. He never likes anyone. His life is dedicated to soccer and thats basically all it will ever be. It's his future and if he slips it up his dad will go all whack." What? Alex thinks I like Niall? Wow he is fast at assuming things. I've only been here for a day! My face flushes with anger.

"And I know he doesn't like you because he was making fun of you last night. He was making a big joke about how you're so pathetic for collecting magnets and obsessing over them. He said you were being ridiculously over dramatic about one breaking and he thought it was really annoying that you were making a big deal out of something so insignificant."

"Why are you telling me this?" the anger inside me builds up. What the hell? Pathetic? Why would Niall say that? Just as I am beginning to consider him being a decent person, this happens and blows it all up in my face. My cheeks are heated with embarassment. Why did I even tell Niall about my collection? I should've known he would judge me about that. How dare he call it "insignificant", he has no idea what they mean to me. He probably wouldn't even understand if I had told him. I knew I was just a huge joke to him. He probably wont even return the one he said he'd fix for me. Why did i even trust a pretty much complete stranger with one of my most prized possessions?

"Well, I know you've been through a lot and I dont want you getting heart broken. He's not a romantic kind of guy if you know what I mean. I just suspected after what I saw you guys doing yesterday..."

"What the hell? What did you do yesterday with some guy?" Jenny says with disgust. "Gosh we've only been here for a day and you're already hooking to a random guy you just met? And I'm supposed to look up to you?" She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room to the kitchen with her dish.

"I'm sorry but I think you read things completely wrong. I have no feelings for that guy, I literally just met him so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop assuming things about me. I dont know what the hell that was yesterday but it was all him not me so if you want to talk to someone about it talk to him and tell him to keep his damn hands off of me." I try to keep my voice low so that my aunt wont hear.

"Trust me, I have. And dont worry, it wont happen again." Alex says and leaves the room with his dish as well. When did Alex turn into such an ass? And why is he making such a big deal about Niall? Theres no way that I even like the guy. I mean I think hes cute but I know near to nothing about who he is, how could I have a crush on him? I just cant get over what he did. I can just picture him laughing at the top of his lungs making fun of me and making a huge joke about what happened in my room to his friends. He's always freaking laughing. The memory of his irritating chuckle echoes in my ears. Who the hell does he think he is anyway? I want to punch myself at the sound of his stupid laughter.

I kind of thought Niall could possibly be my friend some day. Theres no way that's happening now.

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