Chapter 20

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"Please don't go." At first I don't realize I actually said it out loud, I thought I was only thinking it. She's already in my arms, it's too late for me to back down now. I don't know what was running through my head, maybe I had a reflex of some sort, but I just got up and grabbed her before I even knew what I was doing. In normal circumstances I would be way too nervous to do that, what is up with me tonight?

Right when I said "I can help you." I felt her walls immediately crash down around her again just as I was getting so close to knowing the real Jade. I make a personal note to never say that again.

I hug her around her waist and pull her against me tightly, molding my body with hers, holding this broken girl who I desire to piece back together. "Please don't leave me again." I build the courage to say and I feel her jump slightly. It takes a few seconds for her to hesitate before wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing me as right as I am squeezing her.

Holding her and feeling her tremble, I obtain a new fact of Jade, she's scared. I rub her back and pull away slightly. "I'm sorry." I tell her then brush her bangs from her face. The moonlight touches the left side of her face, leaving the other half in darkness. "I didn't mean to hurt you." She slips from between my arms and bends over to pick something up. When she straightens up she swings her arm and throws a rock straight into the lake.

"It's fine." She says as the rock leaves her hand. I'm glad to know she forgives me this time, but now what is happening? Her mood changes so fast I hope I can keep up.

"What are you doing?" Jade repeats this process over and over. She never fails to fascinate me.

"Well you answered my questions about you and I didn't legitimately answer your question with any valid information so here is one thing you should know about me, I always wanted to learn how to skip rocks." I now see what she's attempting to do and she's terribly failing at it. Every rock hits the water and sinks straight in. I wish I could teach her.

"That's wonderful, I can see you're making progress." She throws a rock at me but it misses. "I wish I was as good as you cause wow you can be an Olympic gold medalist right now." I tease and she pouts.

"I'm not very good with my arms, alright? Maybe if I kick it it'll turn out better." She drops the rock and swings her leg, sending the rock flying with no satisfying result. Every time she drops a rock she makes contact and aims it in the same place every time perfectly. She's actually trying to make a rock skip by kicking it. That's just unheard of. For once I'm not the one making myself look ridiculous, but I like how she thinks outside the box. She's cute. "Are you just going to stand there?" She says stopping to take a breathe.

"I'm just enjoying watching you fail." I say, fiddling with my fingers because even if she's not trying to be cute, she makes me feel uneasy.

"Oh really? Id like to see you do it!" I don't laugh because I know I can't skip a rock either. I resort to just kicking it like she does because i enjoy trying new things. I pick up a cold smooth rock from the ground and kick it slightly further than all her other rocks.

"You're a leftie?" She just watches me as I kick and fail just like she did. Knowing that she's watching me makes my legs feel weak and I try my hardest to look as expertly as I can for her.

"Yup. You must know. Lefties are the best type of people." I wink and she just smirks. Rock after rock I hear a distant plop! Then I realize something. "Hey that's not fair, you got three facts from me tonight and from you I only got one." In an effort to kick a rock further than the other, I swing my leg extra hard. Although while doing this, I stupidly slip and my butt hits the sharp rocks on the floor. The sting on my butt reminds me of the brief acute pain and my cheeks flush knowing that she just saw that. I'm so embarrassing oh my gosh.

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