Chapter 13

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The bags under my eyes darken and feel heavier every morning I wake up. Ashton was right, I do look like shit. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun because I was too lazy to deal with my Mufasa morning hair. My bowl of Cap'n Crunch tastes bland instead of having it's normal fruity burst effect and I'm starting to get sick of eating it. Jenny walks into the dining room with her earphones in and a bowl of cereal.

"Where were you last night?" I watch as she continues texting and eating without noticing my comment. I get up and yank the earphones from her ears. She jumps and looks up at me with a furious expression.

"What the fuck!" She pushes my stomach hard nearly knocking the wind out of me and grabs her earphones.

"Where the hell were you last night." I ask again with a stern voice.

"Out." She starts to put her earphones back in and I take it away again. "Stop it!" She tries to take it from me but I step back.

"Obviously you were out. Where were you and why weren't you answering our calls? What time did you even get back last night? Aunt Marie was worried sick!" I don't bother to keep my voice down because I know my aunt, uncle, Alex, and all his friends are outside already loading the car.

"I was with my friends walking around calm down. And my phone was in my bag the whole time, I wasn't checking it because I was having fun for once. Why does she even give a damn? She's not my fucking parent she can't tell me what to do and neither can you!" She gets up with her cereal and starts to leave the room. I didn't know she had friends here, then again I was never really paying attention to what she spent her time doing.

"You have the nerve to say that when she is the only one that agreed to keep us? You should be grateful, we could've been in a foster home and possibly been separated. Can you please just cooperate and stop being so difficult?" She stops and looks back at me amusingly.

"Oh yeah, you're the one to talk. You gave mom and dad such a hard time you were the reason they were always so stressed and the reason they stopped taking us places with them. You were such a pain in the ass, you were never home, you snuck out late at night, you disobeyed everything they said and now you have the audacity to tell me I'm doing something wrong?" Her words hit me hard and I know I can't deny anything she said. I was like that and I regret every second of it, but atleast I can admit I was wrong and have decided to change. I learned too late and the consequences are worse than I could've ever imagined. I dont know why I was such a rebel. I didn't care how pissed my parents got, I never thought about how my actions effected the family, I was so selfish.

"I know and I regret it more than you can believe. It hurts me so much to look back and see only those terrible memories with our parents. At least I know to change, you know how bad of a choice you are making yet you're still doing it. You don't want to be like that. Can you please just listen to me. Do it for mom and dad, don't give our aunt and uncle such a hard time. They don't deserve it." I lower my voice. I feel tears forming in my eyes but I force them to dissolve before escaping. Jenny stops for a moment but then shakes her head and rolls her eyes in annoyance. She leave the room and I sit back down with a long sigh. I'm so exhausted. I lay my head on the table and fight so hard to keep my tears in. I have to stop crying but lately all my emotions have been crashing down on me and I don't know how much longer I can keep it in. Just as I thought things couldn't get crazier, it did. My phone buzzes on the table and when I pick my head up I see a message from Luke.

Luke Hemmings 12:09 PM Morning Jade! You never fail to barge into my day missy :) 

Jade Camillo 12:09 PM Morning, what are you talking about?

I am seriously in no mood for texting.

Luke Hemmings 12:12 You didnt see? I didn't know I never turned off my Facebook notifications but I got notified and it brought me to that picture you tagged me in when I was giving you a piggy back ride at the carnival and I just laughed, those were good times. I miss them so much. Sorry if I'm being depressing. How are you?

Jade Carmello 12:13 PM

Haha I remember that day :) Michael got a tattoo of a My Little Pony and went around thinking he was so cool! I'm holding up I guess. What was the notification?

Luke Hemmings 12:13 PM

Some guy liked the photo, I don't know him. Maybe you do. His name is Niall Horan.

I literally drop my phone on the table and my mouth drops with it. After my brain runs the information through over and over making sure I read clearly, I check the text again to see if it really did say Niall Horan and I'm not hallucinating What the hell! Its right there in clear words! Why was he on my Facebook?! How did he find it?! Oh my gosh that is so creepy! Without answering Luke's message I unlock my phone and go straight to my Facebook app that I havent touched in ages. I received the same notification as Luke and I find myself going slowly insane. What the actual hell. I go through my page and photos and curse myself for uploading such unattractive photos of myself. I thank god that's where the embarassment stops. I barely went on it in the first place. My cheeks heat up at the thought of Niall scrolling through my page with his blue eyes analyzing everything and him laughing about my past. I look back at the photo of Luke and I that he liked and see his like isnt there anymore. He took it back! This cant get any crazier. I am so ugly in this picture, it was back when I dyed my bangs blue which was a  terrrible stage of my life. Why would he be on my account? Maybe to make fun of me. I find it kind of cute that he took the time to find my page but then again he could've just been with his group of friends laughing at me. Whatever it was, Niall was on my page and although I want to be annoyed and creeped out, I feel my insides warming up with nervousness and appeal. He thought about me.

"Jade it's time to go." My aunt Marie shows up in the door sill and I'm brought out of my state of shock.

"Yeah." I say for no reason, my eyes still glued to my phone screen. I get up, wash my bowl, and grab my small bag from the couch as I head out. I stop in my tracks when my eyes meet Niall's. The warmth in my stomach still lingers. He's leaning against the garage door and I find myself admiring how amazing he looks there with his hands in his pockets. His hair is perfectly combed up in the front like he always has it, the highlights mixing beautifully with his brunette hair. He's wearing shorts that reveal a vaguely visible soccer sock tan and a bro tank that shows off his toned arms. We both catch eachother off guard and his reaction to seeing me is absolutely adorable. His eyes, happy and surprised, nearly pop out and his back automatically staightens. He probably thinks I didn't notice. It's so awkward seeing him after knowing he was stalking my Facebook. I didn't think about how it would feel like seeing him after knowing that information. Now I know, it's so weird and uncomfortable even. I realize ive been standing here too long staring at him which makes a lump form in my throat. Breaking our glance, he quickly turns his head the other way to look back at Zayn and Liam who never broke their conversation. I turn my head as well as I go to sit myself in aunt Marie's car. Smooth move Jade. I grab a water bottle out of my bag and take a drink to wash the lump away. I catch him taking looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking which makes me blush and I hope he doesnt notice. Get ahold of yourself Jade. You told yourself you're not going to speak to him. He is trouble. He will make life so much harder for you. When Jenny enters the car i dont speak to her and I think my aunt senses the tension because she just looks at us and gives a tight smile. When everyone is in the cars, we are first to leave the driveway and as my window passes my uncle's I see Niall through it. He's waving at me wildly with a huge smile on his face. My chest tightens and  I cant help but giggle. He's being completely irresistable, what am I supposed to do?

(TYSM if you've been reading this far! I really appreciate you all :) Hope you guys are enjoying it! Sorry if nothing much happened in these last two updates, but ipromise the next updates will be filled with interesting action. hehe. VOTE VOTE VOTE plz <3. xoxo)

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