Chapter 36

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We come down the hallway like  an unexpected storm. Mr. Walker and Harry are ripped apart by my dad and they continue to curse eachother as my dad pushes Mr. Walker all the way out of the hospital. People give us strange looks. Jenny surprisingly leaves Harry, wrecked up and infuriated in the hallway. Mrs. Walker follows behind us as well. Luke stays in the waiting room. I glare at him but I dont want to say anything. Security comes too late of course.

I try to walk fast because I know if I stay here any longer and look at Harry ever again ill probably ruin his face. The thought of him trying to take advantage of Jade, I dont care  what anyone says. Hes the one person i will never forgive and I will get him back some day for what he has done. I give props to Luke for punching him and I hope Harry knows it isn't over yet.

"Ed calm down." My dad tenatively lets go of Mr. Walker, who immediately begins pacing back and forth. I wonder why he knows his first name but it's probably because they associated before over their plan about Jade's parents. That's probably why they were together coming here. Did they find out what I did? 

"I better not see that punk around again do you hear me?" He sticks his finger in Jenny's face. She nods, not talking back. Another surprise. "And you." He approaches my dad. "Can't you do anything? He tried to rape my niece! Throw the kid behind bars!" His face is red and looks like its going to explode.

My dad responds calmly, "He didnt rape her. And theres no eye witness, we dont know exactly what happened. I can't take him in."

"So you expect me to just let him go?!" 

"She can try to press charges, but your success rate may not be very high." My dad turns to me sharply. "We both know we have other matters to discuss right now anyway." Mr. Walker agrees and i gulp knowing exactly what they're talking about. 

My dad gestures for me to get into his cop car. It feels even more intimidating because he has me sit in the back so that Mr. Walker can have the passenger seat. Mrs. Walker takes Jenny into their own vehicle. 

Everything seems too compact for comfort when all doors slam shut and its just me, my dad, and Mr. Walker separated by the bars in the middle of the car. I've never had to sit back here before.

"I think you know why we are all here." My dad says without anger which gives me a huge relief. 

"Um.. what are you talking about?" I say, hoping the subject isn't what I think it is. Mr. Walker rolls his eyes. 

"Dont play stupid Niall I know you went through my files and I know you called them!" I'm suddenly glad theres a barrier between us so that he cant grab me. I should've known his good side wouldn't last long.

"She needed to know." 

"Did you tell her?!" Mr. Walker shouts.

"No! Not yet!"

"What do you mean not yet? She cant know! Ever! This is business and right now because of you its becoming sloppy!" I've never seen my dad so worried before, but he actually starts chewing at the tip of his thumb nail.

"Why are you doing this? This isn't apart of your job is it?"

"No it's not apart of my job."

"Then why do you do it?!" I pressure him.

"Money Niall! How else do you think we got here? Did you think money just flew out of our arses?! We needed to get out of the slums some how."

"I thought it was to get away from mum? I thought we came here to start over without her haunting over us and receiving all of those abusive letters! You said you saved up for years." 

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