Chapter 16

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The boat is slowing to a stop in the distance and I see everyone dying with laughter. I'm not laughing anymore, I begin panicking and looking around frantically. Shit. Where is she? She can swim right? We don't have life jackets on ... Why didn't I think about that first.

"You boof!" I hear behind me and wet arms wrap around my neck dragging me under water. I don't have a chance to take a breathe before going under and water rushes up my nose, giving me that sneezy feeling. I cringe from the feeling when I surface then I turn to be face to face with Jade. Her wet hair is slicked back, her long lashes batting every few seconds. I let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared me! I thought you couldn't swim!" Im treading trying not to think about the hundreds of dark feet beneath me.

"Maybe that teaches you to listen to me." She playfully pushes my chest. "And I'm not Kayla, I can actually handle myself." She rolls her eyes and I frown when she mentions Kayla. Why does she keep referring to her?


I don't know why I keep bringing up Kayla. I mentally face palm myself when her name comes off my tongue. I hope he doesn't think I'm jealous of her because I'm not. I push him again just because I'm still mad at him for flipping the tube when I said not to. I mean it's not really a big deal I guess, it was actually fun. When I push him my hand brushes agains his abs. They're hard and smooth and my mouth drops a little when I touch them. I resist the urge to just run my hand passed it again. Niall's usual quiff is collapsed on his head and he reminds me of a chicken by the way his hairs are standing up in different places. I don't know why but in the middle of him just staring at me I run my fingers through his soaked soft hair and make it stand up more. I laugh at his ridiculous look.

"Aye!" He says, dumping water on his head and making the hairs collapse. I see the boat approaching behind Niall. He puts his warm hand on my waist as I board the boat to keep me steady. I flinch because of my ticklish reflex. I debate whether I should shoo him off but I decide not to. He's been touching me a lot lately, but then again I was falling all over him too.

"How was it." Zayn asks with a wicked look.

"It was epic you guys should go!" I say enthusiastically. It was really fun. All that screaming made me feel like I was finally letting out the feelings I've been hoarding in. I'm in such a better mood now with all the stress lifted off my shoulders. The wind whipping my hair made me feel free and I can't wait to have that adrenaline again. It was a different wild feeling than what I felt during my rebellious days with my parents. It felt right.

I didn't mind that I was sitting between Niall's legs except for the fact that I could practically feel his boner poking my lower back which was awkward. Right now I don't even want to think about how I aroused him somehow. I look at Alex who looks at me with his jaw clenched. Now I think I can see the resemblance between us. Usually we look nothing alike. His jet black hair is spiky and his angular face consists of dark brown eyes, a small nose, and thin lips. I smile at him and hope he's hating this. I'm making sure he sees that he can't control me. I knew me talking to Niall would drive Alex crazy which is why I took the opportunity to do it. I notice Jenny sitting by her self at the back of the boat.

"Hey, you should try the tube. It's fun." I tell her, trying to be friendly. I know I'm supposed to be mad at her but keeping a grudge won't help anyone. She's just on her phone texting or something. I seriously can't believe there is signal at this lake. "What are you doing?" I say when she doesn't answer. No reply. She doesn't even look at me. "Are you hungry?" I reach over to the bag of snacks and offer her some Doritos. It's like she's pretending I'm not here. I shake my head and walk back to the front with the Doritos. At least I tried. Zayn and Alex go next on the tube.

"Want to sit between my legs baby?" Zayn says with a puppy dog face.

"Fuck off." Alex says.

"Hey when are we gonna choose names?" Niall asks Liam after grabbing a hand full of my chips. His hair is already beginning to dry and the little droplets of water on his abs makes me gulp.

"We should do it when they're done." Liam nearly yells as the boat picks up speed. I see Zayn and Alex holding on to their lives and I can hear their whooping and screaming.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask. Liam and Niall exchange looks. Liam shrugs.

"If we tell you, you have to be in on it too." Niall leans in close to me as he says this. His little nose wrinkles as he narrows his blue eyes at me. I just want to squeeze his chubby cheeks.

"Um alright mr. Mysterious." I lean a little toward him. He pulls back.

"So are you in or not?"

"I guess im in. Goodness what are we doing, killing people?"

"I mean, if that's what you're into." Liam says with a serious expression. I look back and forth between them and their expressions don't budge. I burst into laughter and their faces remain plastered.

"Okay seriously what's happening."

"He's serious." Niall says. I can't help but feel tingly when Niall says "serious" with his accent. I just shake my head. "Well, there's no rule against murder, but if you ask me that's a bit extreme."

"True." Liam agrees.

"We put everyone's name into a hat." Niall points at the black SnapBack that Liam is wearing. "Then everyone who enters chooses one name and you have to prank whoever you get by the last night here. We like to make it interesting so whoever has the weakest prank has to jump into the lake naked at 1AM. If you don't prank by the deadline, you have to streak in broad day light when we get back home. They haven't ran into that issue yet and they've been doing this for years."

"Sweet, I'll definitely be in on it!" Niall looks surprised. I'm going to have so much fun with this, I used to plot prank week with Luke and the boys.

"Zayn lost last year because all he did was draw penises all over Alex in his sleep. There's no creativity there." Niall says. "You have to think of something good." I can tell he directs this more toward me.

"Well, they were some pretty detailed penises. You gotta give him credit for that. Zayn's a hell of an artist." Liam adds.

"We aren't trying to be pretty, this is war." Niall states. "No crying Jade." I punch him in the stomach at that comment.

"Speak for yourself." I tell him as he winces at the pain I caused him.

Just as they said, when Zayn and Alex come back we put all our names in a hat. Alex doesn't look at all pleased that I'm joining but he doesn't say anything. Liam hands the hat to Zayn first. When he looks at the name he says "interesting." and then tosses the paper off into the lake. Alex just raises a brow at his paper and then when Niall gets his person he bursts out into laughter. Niall gives me the hat and I see two more pieces of paper. I grab the one to the right and open it. Zayn. I try not to look up. I bite the side of my cheek to prevent smiling. Liam looks pleased with who he gets and then places his hat back on his head. Liam opens his mouth to speak.

"Every man for themselves from here on out. Let the pranks begin."

( Remember, at least 5 VOTES & 5 COMMENTS for the next update :D 1K reads ! I'm dead guys ! Tysm ! Xoxo)

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