Chapter 38

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My uncle slams the door, a strand of his usual smoothly combed hair hanging between his eyes. I bite my lip, not knowing whether to yell at him or not.

The events of these past weeks begin burying me on this hospital bed. When seeing Niall, I never expected for all this to happen. He was just a cute face. Now he's responsible for changing my life into two whole different directions in a matter of weeks.

My parents are alive. My mother's voice, it was real. The thought that had haunted me since the moment they were confirmed missing has suddenly become reality. Strangely, it's not as satisfying as I thought it would be. Knowing they're out there, but I can't be with them ever again is a whole different pain.

Why would Niall keep this from me? Is he really doing it for a better cause? Or is he not at all what I thought he was? How valid can his story be? How the hell did Niall even find himself caught in this mess that is called my life? My head aches with questions for the millionth time since I've gotten here and I almost forget how it feels to not have my head pounding.

I want to hate him for being involved but part of me is thanking him for telling me. The thought of him possibly taking part in my parents situation makes me sick to my stomach. To think i actually fell for him. What kind of sick plot is this that he would end up being the enemy this whole time. The facts are in front of me but I don't want to believe that Niall would be so cruel.

I love you. His voice wanders in my mind and tugs at my heart. He loves me. Niall Horan loves me.

Unless that was a trick too.

"You're scheduled to leave tonight." My uncles words break the silence.

"What? Where am I going?" My voice sounds almost monotone. He flattens his dress shirt and clears his throat.

"We are sending you to your grandmother."

My breathe catches in my throat, but I still feel like im drifting in a fantasy world, as if I'm dreaming and soon Ill wake up in my filthy SoCal room to my mother knocking courteously at my door to tell me someone is at the door for me. This would most likely be Luke. My vision is clouded and what Niall said dawns on me.

"Did you hear me?" I feel gloss layer my eyes and I turn my head away from him to look outside the hospital window, ignoring the sharp pain in my neck. It's a nice sunny day outside, perfect for a pick up game. God knows what I would do to be out there. I would love the fresh air engulfing me, washing away this horrible hospital smell from me. How long will I have to be laying in bed?

"Hello?" He breaks through my thoughts.

"Why." I croak, even though thanks to Niall I already have the answer. Atleast I think I do.

"We can't have you around that boy, he's going to cause trouble he's..."

"It's because I know mom and dad are still alive isn't it."

A silence lingers as I wait for his response.

"What are you talking about?" He says quietly.

I cut him off, "I know everything, don't you dare try and lie to me! Not now! Haven't you guys lied enough?! How could you hide your own brother away! How can you look me in the face and tell me you're sorry for my loss and have the nerve to tell me you feel for me when you have known all along!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Your parents are missing, no one knows where they are".

I want to be angry at him but how can I even be certain Niall was right about everyone knowing. My uncle can be as confused as me but his tone is making me second guess. He sounds extremely defensive and almost a tinge guilty.

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