Chapter 28

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I'm shaking because I'm scared that I don't know what to do, but my first kiss comes naturally as Jade guides me through the motions. We dissolve and I'm glad she understood. That she forgives me. That she wants me. That i saved this special kiss for her.

She pulls me by my belt buckles between her legs and I've never felt so unable to contain myself before.

I jump at the loud knock behind me. Instant boner kill.

Blood rushes to my face. What are we supposed to do?

We come back down to Earth and Jade and I just look at each other in panic.

"Just pretend that you're doing your hair." Jade whispers with a raspy voice and slips away from me. She turns back to see if I'm doing what she said and in confusion I face the mirror and half act like and half actually fix my messy hair.

"Hey sorry, he's almost done." Jade says casually and non suspiciously.

"Done with what?" I hear Kayla.

"His hair. He was asking me for alternative methods of making a quiff stay because he ran out of gel this morning. No success."

"Uh huh. Are you sure that's why he's fixing his hair?" I peer at her reflection in the mirror and she looks pissed. She shoots me an accusing look.


The daily motions of fixing my hair suddenly becomes unnatural in this situation.

"Alright, well move so I can piss."

"This isn't the only bathroom." Jade returns Kayla's attitude.

"Yeah well the bathroom isn't a bedroom."

I stop running my fingers through my hair and turn around.

"There's no hope, Jade will you just come with me to the store to get more gel?" I say to break the tension.

"Yeah." Jade and Kayla hold an intense stare.

"You're leaving? What about the party?" Kayla's voice becomes more tender when she speaks to me.

"There will be more in the future." I shrug.

I grab Jade's hand and as we walk passed Kayla I see her mouth drop in disbelief. Whatever. I just want to get out of this place. I don't want Jade to get herself in another problem. She doesn't need more issues in her life.

We say bye to everyone in the living room and ignore the awkward comments about us. Jade passively follows me as I pull her by the hand.

"Where are we going?"

"To get gel."

"No, really."

"Wherever you want to go." I smile and she softens her face.

I stop in the driveway and put my hand on her cheek. "Don't worry about Kayla okay. She's not a threat." She nods but a tension still lingers that I hope will fade away with time.

We end up going downtown, buying hot dogs, and then we settle under a huge green tree in a park.

"So Alex told your dad?" She says after swallowing a mouth full of her hotdog. She bought three. I like girls with big appetites like mine, even though I bought four.

"Yeah... He didn't mention anything about sending me in a box to Ireland though."

"It's because you stood up to him right?" I nod my head "I told you it would work!"

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