Chapter 15

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She's smiling at me! ACTUALLY smiling! And it's not fake, it's as real as the chocolate bar I just ate! She's staring straight at me with a huge grin on her face and then she throws her head back with laughter.

"Niall, your poor sandwich!" She says covering her mouth as she giggles into it. She's sitting directly across from me. Her squinty eyes are adorable and my heart beats faster when I notice they're looking at me again. She actually acknowledged me. What the hell is happening. She talked to me, she's even laughing with me! I know I should be happy but I cant help but laugh awkwardly. This is so odd. Why is she all of a sudden in such a good mood? I'm here, she's never like this when I'm around. I thought she wasnt going to talk to me! She told me herself she didn't want to and Alex is literally right next to her! Her giggles are out of control and cute. I wish she would always be this way. I love seeing this part of her. "Zayn, you should definitely drive again!" Alex gives her strange looks and I can't tell if it's from disapproval of Zayn driving or disapproval of her talking. I notice she shoots him side looks too and sort of smirks at him every now and then. I wonder what's up with them.

"Yeah that was actually sick, we should definitely do that again!" Liam gets up to find a good radio station.

"See Mr.Walker! Please!" Zayn pleads. Most of the radio stations have country music but Liam finally find a reasonable one that is playing Royals by Lorde.

"Tell you what Zayn, my husband might give you the wheel once we get away from all these boats." Mrs. Walker tells him. She's sitting on the side of the boat with her hands on Mr. Walker's shoulders. They're such nice people. They always make us feel welcome and they're such a blast. Mr. Walker even agreed to tell my dad I practiced during this trip even if I don't. He understands my dad may work me too hard. We speed out into an open area of the lake. Today the water is a deep shade of blue, sparkling under the sun. The land around the lake has layers of different shades of red, informing how much water has been lost from the lake over the years. Shasta Lake used to be huge but due to the drought, it loses at least a foot of water a day.

"Okay Niall, are you ready?" Mr. Walker asks me as he starts to throw the tube into the lake and ties it to the back of the boat. We are in an open area with just about three other boats near us.

"Oh yeah!" I yelp. "I was born ready!" I grab my blue and grey swimming trunks and move to the back of the boat. After telling Jenny to look away, I change into them.

"The tube can fit two people your size actually now that I look at it, who else wants to go?" Mr. Walker says.

"I'll go!" I hear a female voice and turn around to see Jade pulling off her shirt to reveal a plain maroon bikini top. Whoa. What? Am I dreaming? This can't be real. All this time she's been trying to avoid me and now all of a sudden she wants to be in the same tube as me? I don't know if I can ever understand this girl. Whatever the hell is going on, I'm not about to ruin it. I know my eyes are wide and shocked but I'm frozen as I watch her undo her jean shorts and tug them off. Her body is so perfect I can't even deal with looking anymore. I take off my shirt, stuck between frustration and excitement. The boys are looking at eachother with surprised looks and Zayn winks at me. Alex starts to protest by saying he wants to go but Zayn shuts him up.

"Niall can you put my clothes in that compartment?" She holds her clothes out to me.

"Uh yeah." I choke trying hard not to stare. She tosses me her clothes, they have that Febreze scent from her house with a hint of fruitiness, and I put both of our clothes away.

"I'll go first." I tell her as I walk down the aisle of the boat. I swing my leg around the boat onto the short board and I automatically feel small cold hands on my back.

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