Do I?

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***** Jenna's POV *****

"Jenna Black, will you do the honor of making me the happiest man of all, and marrying me?"

The question rang through my head. Are we ready for this? He is so perfect and sweet, but am I ready for this? I have so many things to worry about, I have so much baggage that would come with me, I'm not the perfect girl he thinks I am. But I love him. He loves me too obviously. So why not? I. Love. Him.
"Yes. I would love to." I let the tears pour as he slipped the beautiful ring on my finger. "I love you." I wrapped him up in a hug. Everything will be perfect, because I love Tyler.

"She said yes!" I yelled through the hotel room as Josh opened the door.

"Congrats, dude!" Josh smiled and stepped back... he was sad though, his eyes were red and puffy, I could see the tear stains on his shirt.

"What's wrong?" My happy smile melted.

"Nothing. I'm super happy for you!" He said nervously, crossing his arms. That's what he did when something was bothering him, he closed himself up physically the same way he did mentally. I wasn't stupid, he has done this a lot.

"What's wrong?" I asked softer as I wrapped him in a hug.

"Nothing." He hugged me back. I could feel how fast his heart was beating, it was his anxiety, I knew it.

"What are you so anxious about then?"

"W-what? How'd you-"  he pulled away.

"Because I know that heart rate far too well. The one where your coming out of an anxiety attack, when you can't breath but you have to tell yourself to because if you don't then you'll pass out and there will be no one to help you.... I know the feeling."

"I'm just... stressed. About some stuff."

"What stuff?"

"Um, just the new career that we are starting, living alone, typical stuff."

"No, it's not typical stuff, Josh. Not many people live with their best friends for almost two years and then go back to living alone normally. And rarely anyone starts a music career, it's not safe, it's not a secure job. It's okay to be stressed about it, I know I am." I gave him a assuring smile.

"Thanks, dude, for always being here for me."

"No problem. Are you okay?" I'm asked one more time, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled.

"Okay, text me if you need me." I walked out the door.

"I will."

I got back up to the room to see Jenna sitting in her pjs on the bed, admiring her ring. "Do you like it?" I sat down beside her, untying my tie.

"I love it." She smiled, I saw a tear fall on her hand.

"Hey, are you okay?" I lifted her chin up.

"I'm great." She continued to smile. "I couldn't be more happy right now."

"Good. I can't have both of my best friends upset."

"The manager at Taco Bell is upset?" She asked teasingly.

"Haha, very funny." I rolled my eyes.

"No, but for real. What's wrong with Josh?"

"He's just a little iffy about living by himself and our new career."

"Oh, okay. Well, I guess we can give him a room wherever we end up living."

"Jenna, we don't have to. He will be okay."

"I know, but it might be fun. The three amigos, living it up together." We both laughed.

"Okay, but let's not mention it to him yet."

"Okay. Also, you guys will do great with your music. I know you will, you're going to affect so many people."

"I hope you mean in a good way." I laughed.

"Of course I mean in a good way." She giggled.

"Good." I smiled. "We should go to bed. We have a fun day planned tomorrow."

"True. I'm going to take off my makeup." Jenna stood up. We both sent text to our family's, letting them know the good news. I put on my pajamas then brushed my teeth. I jumped into the bed, flying over Jenna. "Tyler!" Jenna laughed as I landed on the other side of her.

"Hey baby, you come here often." I winked at her, propping my head up on my hand.

"I don't actually. And I'm taken, sorry." She half frowned, pointing at the ring on her finger.

"Aww that's too bad." I leaned in so our foreheads were touching. "I was going to show you around." I grazed my hand up her arm, landing it on her cheek.

"Well, I'll have to refuse that offer."

"Good job, love!" I kissed her, "You pasted the test!" I smiled.

"It was hard, but I'm glad that I did it."

"That's what she said." I laughed.

"Haha, very funny."

"I am, aren't I." I flipped back over to my side of the bed. "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, sweet." We turned out our lamps and laid the pillows in between us again. I laid awake for awhile, I had a really brilliant day. I thought about everything that happened, I'm engaged. I'm officially engaged! I can't believe she said yes. I mean, I'm so happy that she did... but why?

"Your answer is just as good as mine, Tyler. She could've done better."


I'm so hyped for the sequel!!!!
Hope you all enjoy it!

~ Peteywentzy

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