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"Have a good night, Elena!" Josh yelled out the window as we pulled away from her driveway. "Are you okay, Tyler?" He asked after he rolled up the window.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Jenna chimes in, "You seemed edited tonight."

"Yeah, yeah. Somethings just... off." I shook out of my thoughts. "Anyway, did you guys have fun?"

"Yeah. She's nice." Jenna smiled.

"Very nice." Josh added. "Did you have fun?" Josh took his focus off the road, he insisted that he drive home after Taco Bell because he was worried about me.

"Yes, of course." I said half heartedly.

"Mhmm. I'm calling bull." Jenna said calmly.

"No, I really did have fun. I was just distracted."

"Why?" Josh asked.

"So I was telling Elena about what happened to my arm and she was totally cool about it."

"Yeah?" Jenna implied for me to go on.

**very small tw for this paragraph**

"I don't know. She started asking me if it hurt when I  cut and it was like I wasn't talking to her anymore, her voice got gravely and she seemed, I don't know how to put this...empty,  and mean. Then she was acting like everything was fine and nothing happened. She asked me if I was okay right after I asked her if she was okay. I don't know, it was confusing."

**warning over**

"Are you sure you didn't just think that she said those things?" Jenna questioned.

"Maybe it was Blurry asking you that." Josh suggested.

"Maybe." I looked back out the window.

"Hey woulda look at that!"

"What?" I said loud enough to Josh and Jenna barley heard it.

"You're actually going to your friends for help... that's a first. We can't have that anymore."

"What are you going to do about it?"

Josh glanced at me, "Are you okay?"

"Go ahead. Tell him again about the voice you hear in your head. I dare you."

"Shut up." I laid my head into the palms of my hands.

"Tyler?" Jenna grabbed my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I tried to ignore the major headache I was getting.

"We are almost home dude, you gunna be okay?" Josh looked over to me again.

"Tell them. Tell them about how crazy you are. 'Oh yeah Josh, I'll be fine. The voice in my head is just yelling at me again.'" Blurryface said in a mocking tone.

"Do you ever stop talking?" I changed my focus back on Blurryface.

"Nope. I never stop talking. I've been with you for so long, I finally have enough power over you to talk to you whenever I want. But I mean, if you think about it, I've always been with you, whispering in the back of your head. Really think about. When have you ever gotten to sit in silence?" I thought back as far as I could remember, remembering talking to myself at night in elementary school, constant whispering, talking, pushing me to the edge slowly but surely. I thought I had gotten the talking to myself under control, I guess not. "See Tyler, trust me. I know what I'm doing." I started to see him appear in the backseat, "I'm always with you."

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