Be Concerned

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Same warnings as previous chapter.

Joshs POV during the previous chapter.

Jenna and I went to bed not to much after 12:00. I played on my phone for a bit but soon fell asleep. I woke up to multiple Twitter notifications, yeah I keep them on sometimes.

"Josh, is Tyler okay?"

"How is Tyler?"

"Are you with Tyler right now? I think he needs you."

Panic filled my body. I jumped out of bed and ran to Jenna's room. "Jenna!" She slowly sat up.


"Where's Tyler?"

"In the living room." She mumbled confused.

"No he's not."

"What?" She got up quickly and pushed past me to the living room where the boy was no where in sight. "Tyler?" She yelled walked to the kitchen then to the studio room. She was searching the house but something on the counter caught my eye. I walked over to the bundle of papers sitting on the counter.

"Oh my gosh. Jenna! We have to go now. Get your shoes and come on, I'll get your jacket." I grabbed my keys, jacket, shoes, and Jenna's jacket then ran down the driveway to my car where Jenna was already in the passenger seat.

"What's wrong?" She asked as I frantically drove down the street.

"Tyler...he's going to the bridge." Jenna's hand flew to her mouth and she started sobbing. She knew what I meant. I reached my arm into her leg and tried to comfort her. I wasn't crying, I don't need to. He's not dead. He can't be. He won't be. We will get there in time to save him, because if we don't I won't be able to go on, and I know Jenna won't either. I pulled my car to the curb and Jenna and I ran out, barley shutting the doors as we ran up the bridge. I slowed down seeing as I had barley passed Jenna and let her approach him first.

He was curled up in a squat position holding his head in his hands. He was fighting, but he was loosing. I saw something shine in the corner of my eye, picked up Tyler's phone from the ground and slid it in my pocket. I decided to slide over to Jenna and Ty who were both sobbing, I wrapped my arms around them and held them close to my chest.

I leaned into Tyler's ear and whispered, "It's okay, Tyler, it'll be okay."

"I can't do this. I can't do this anymore." Those words broke my heart. This is my best friend telling me that he doesn't want to live anymore. That there is nothing more that I can do. That though I've tried more times than I can count, I'll never be able to glue his broken pieces back together. I felt his hand grip the back of my shirt tightly. I was his lifeline right now, me and Jenna. That's all he had. Eventually I pulled away from the hug to get the car but Tyler quickly grabbed my hand before I was gone. "Don't go." He whimpered.

"I have to get the car Ty." He exchanged glances with Jenna.

"It's okay. I'll go get it." She said sweetly. "He needs his best friend right now." She whispered as she walked back down the hill.

"I'm sorry." Tyler and I had sat down beside the edge of the bridge.

"You could've come to me."

"But this is what I wanted. Or what I thought I wanted at least."

"This isn't the answer. This is never the answer, Tyler."

"It seems like the only good one." Another tear streaked down his face.

"Hey," I rolled up on my knees in front of him so we were eye to eye, "Don't you dare say that. If you had died tonight, imagine how many people that we've told to stay alive would've done. Better yet, imagine what Jenna would've done, or I would've done. I can not live without you, Tyler Robert Joseph. You are one of the most important people on this planet, no matter what anyone else says." Bright lights shown across the bridge as Jenna pulled up. I stood up and grabbed Tyler's hand, pulling him to an upright position a little too easily. He stumbled and clutched onto my arm. "Come on, we need to get you some water and something to eat." He groaned as I drug him to the car. I let him crawl into the backseat where I sat beside him. He started playing with the end of his sweatshirt again, a nervous tick he had recently started.

He ended up laying over on my shoulder and falling asleep while I played with his hair. Yes, I played with his hair, it calms him down. Jenna and I talked about how we would handle this. "We can't tell them everything, but they deserve to know something. They are worried sick." Jenna said to me.

"I could tweet something along the lines of Tylers safe, he'll be okay."

"That will work." I pulled out my phone while continuing to run my hands through the sleeping boys soft hair. "Thank you all. Tonight you helped us. If I had not seen those Tweets, we may not have had our lead singer and best friend anymore. He's okay. We have him now. We will keep you updated. Don't worry |-/"

Jenna pulled into our driveway not too long after. I unbuckled my seat belt and pulled Tyler's frail frame up into my arms. I carried him through the house and back to his and Jenna's room. Jenna walked up behind me and placed her hand on my shoulder, "He'll be okay. We will figure this out. If this means one of us have to be with him at all times, then that's what will happen." I saw tears coming from her eyes when I looked at her.

"For sure." I hugged her tightly, allowing her to cry into my shoulder for a bit then she pulled away.

"Will you sleep in here tonight? Just incase."

"Absolutely. I'll sleep on the floor next to Ty."

"Thank you." She smiled.

"It's what best friends are for." I grabbed a blanket and laid it on the ground then got my pillow and another blanket and laid down. "Goodnight Jenna."

"Goodnight Josh."

"Goodnight Josh, Goodnight love. Thank you both." Tyler mumbled.

"Anytime Ty." I smiled and rolled over to go to sleep. I didn't sleep well the rest of the night. I was scared that he would get up again. I finally got up at 8:00, Jenna and Tyler remained asleep, snuggling each other. I scrolled through Twitter once more after last nights incident to see a lot of people asking just to make sure he was okay. I took a picture of Tyler spooning Jenna in the bed and Tweeted it.

"Some of you didn't believe me, or wanted to double check. Here you go, sleepy Ty safe and sound." I attached the picture to the message and sent it out to our fans. I looked back at the bed once more before leaving to go to the bathroom. I got ready for the day then went back to check on Tyler and Jenna again. Jenna was laying awake on her phone, Tyler was still out cold.

"Do you think he's okay?" I leaned against the door frame and crossed my arms.

"I don't know honestly. I'm scared, Josh. I'm so scared." She carefully peeled out of his arms and ran over to me. "Every time he gets like this, he just gets closer and closer to going through with it. And I can't loose him." Jenna cried quietly.

"Hey." I wrapped her into a hug. "I'm never going to let him go through with it, okay? I promise you that nothing bad will ever happen to him if I can help it."

"Josh, look at him." She directed my eyes to Tyler. "He is practically skin and bones, he never sleeps, there are new scars on his body everyday and he acts like everything's fine. Before last night, the clique thought he was happy little Ty who got over his depression and anxiety, and is as full of life as can be. But look at him, really look. No one know what's going on in his head, not even me, and that's terrifying for me, and I'm sure it is for him too."

"Jenna, what did I tell you the first day we met?"

"That you shipped me and Tyler and that there was already fan-fiction about us?" She smiled and wiped away her tears.

"Well yes," I chuckled, "but I also promised you we would help him get through this, no matter what happened. And I keep my promises."

"Thank you. I don't know what I would do with out you Josh."

"Probably not have an exciting life because I'm the funnest person ever." I laughed.

"Funnest isn't even a real word." She punched my arm.

"It is now." We quietly laughed. "I'm going to make coffee, you wanna come with or stay with him?"

"I'll go with you. I think he'll be okay for a few minutes."

Idk when this will be posted but the day I finished this was October 24 in case you were wondering.

~ Peteywentzy

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