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"Josh, do you have the flour?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Tyler, you got the sugar?"


"Alright add those to the mix." Jenna was making the liquid part of the mixture while Josh and I did the dry ingredients.

"Got it." Josh said.

"Now stir it up, then I'll add my part."

"You got it boss." I grabbed the whisk and began mixing the powder as she poured in the milk and eggs and whatever else she put in there.

"We need the blueberries now." Jenna grabbed a hand full and sprinkled them into the mix.... then threw one at me.

"Hey!" I picked up the berry and popped it into my mouth which earned a small laugh from Jenna and Josh.

"Now we just cook them."

"We will do that. You go relax." I ushered her out of the kitchen.

"Okay, Just yell if you need me."

"Alright." Josh waves at her as she exited the room. "This is going to be a great breakfast."

"True. I'm very excited."

"Some might even say berry excited." Josh chuckled.

"You're so stupid." I punched his arm gently.


"Of course." I poured some more of the mix onto a pan. "What do you think of Blurryface?"

"I think it's coming along great. I'm so excited to hear the finished product."

"Me too. Pete asked me when we should drop it."

"Well how much do we have left to record?"

"I need to finish Jenna's song," I whispered because she didn't know about it yet, it was going to be a surprise, "Then we need to record it and Message Man, then we are done."

"What do we have left to edit?"

"Just Polarize and those two songs once they are finished."

"What about around May?"

"So that gives us what? A little over a month to finish everything." I scooped the last of the pancakes off the pan.


"I think we can swing that."

"I think so too." We fixed our plates and Jenna's plate then yelled for her. "Jenna!"

"Yes?" She slid into the kitchen.

"It's ready." We put all the plates on the table.

"Yay!" She kissed my cheek then sat down. "These are really good guys." She took a bite of the pancake.

"Thanks Jen." Josh took a bite of his. "Mmmm they are really good."

"Agreed." We ate until almost all of the pancakes were gone then cleaned everything up. We were sitting on the couch when I got a notification from Instagram.

"Jenna Joseph tagged you in a photo"

I clicked on it and saw a picture of Josh and I cooking in the kitchen.

"The boys offered to cook. I'm relaxing. They are talking about music. I'm excited, I know they are excited, you all will be excited. Blueberry pancakes are good."

I smiled at Jenna who was sitting across the room from me, of course she smiled back.

"Love cooking for you. Josh looks sexy in an apron." I added to the comment section which was flooding with messages for Jenna.

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