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*Blood warning*

I woke up on the ground, I sat up but had a sharp pain on my head when I did. I put my hand up to my head and pulled it away with blood over it. "Great." I whispered. I grabbed the edge of the counter and pulled myself up. My vision was fine, and I felt fine now. I looked on the ground and saw a puddle of blood on the floor. I looked up in the mirror and saw a gash on my forehead. I must have hit it on the counter when I fainted. I grabbed a wash cloth and pressed it on my head. It hurt, but I knew I had to do it. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped up the blood. After that was cleaned up, I removed the rag from my forehead and got dressed other than putting in my shirt. I put the rag back on my forehead, slipped my phone into my pocket and walked out of the room. "Hey Josh or Jenna." I cringed at the thought of their reaction. The door opened to reveal Josh's smiling face.

"Hey Ty-" his smile faded. "What the heck happened?" He drug me into his room to show me to Jenna.

"Ty." She walked over to me and sat me in the bed, pulled away the cloth from my head. "Oh my gosh." She covered her mouth.

"That's really bad." Josh cringed.

"I passed out when I was getting out of the shower. I think I must have hit my head on the counter."

"Are you okay? Do you think you have a concussion?" Jenna started freaking out.

"Sweet, sweet, I'm fine." I smiled. "I don't have a concussion. It's just a scratch."

"Just a scratch?" She exclaimed. "Have you seen this? And how do you know if you have a concussion or not?"

"Because sweet, I've had a concussion before, I didn't throw up when I woke up and my vision is clear, I remember everything just fine, I'm okay."

"I think he's fine, Jen."

"What's your full name?" She started quizzing me.

"Tyler Robert Joseph." I sighed, shaking my head and smiling.

"When did we get married?"

"March twenty eighth. We got engaged on the eighth of June."

"What do you do for a living?"

"I'm in a band called Twenty One Pilots and we are on tour right now."

"Okay, I think he's okay." Jenna hugged me.

"See we told you." I smiled.

"Now," She took the blood soaked rag from me. "I'm going to go see if the have any gauze or bandaids in the lobby. I'll be right back, don't bleed on anything."

Josh was just staring at me, arms crossed in his dad stance. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"This could've been a lot worse, I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I think we should cancel tomorrow's show too."

"But Josh-"

"No way Tyler. You are not fit to start shows again. I'm texting Mark right now, he and Brad will probably agree with me."

"Fine." I laid back on the bed.

Just a few minutes later Jenna came back. She wrapped up my head then I heard someone knock on the door. "I got it." Josh answered the door.

"You just can't get a break, can ya, kid?" Mark laughed as him and Brad strolled into the room.

"I guess not." Jenna finished wrapping my head, "Thank you, sweet." She put her arms around me and crawled onto the bed behind me, laying her head on my shoulder.

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