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"Okay." I smiled and followed him in. We looked at a bunch of different dresses, long, short, white, blush, long sleeves, no sleeves, until I found one that I loved.

"Jen, that would look amazing on you." Josh stared at the dress, it was white with thin straps, long, and a little loose at the skirt.

"I kinda like it."

"Try it on." Josh said with hopeful eyes.

"Josh, I've kept you in here long eno-"

"Pleaaassseeeee." He begged.

"Joshua William Dun, are you having fun dress shopping with me?" I laughed.

"Maybe.... but don't tell anyone. Now go!" He pushed me towards the dressing rooms. I slid into the dress and walked out of the room to find Josh looking at his phone.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I really like that one." He stared at me as I turned around to face the wall of mirrors.

"It looks amazing on you, love." An older lady walked over to me. "My name is Ruby. I've worked her fifteen years and never seen anyone pull of a dress like you are right now." She smiled.

"Thank you." I blushed.

"So, you must be the fiancé." She winked at Josh and he turned bright red.

"I- uh actually, I'm just the best man." He looked at me hopefully, since we hadn't already officially asked him, to which I gave him a nod of approval because who else would we want to be our best man?

"Well, what do you think, best man?" She smiled.

"I think that it's great."

"And bride?" She asked.

"I don't know, I think I'd want sleeves, maybe lace." I stared at my arms, which had multiple scars on them. "And a slit probably, about to here." I pointed to my upper thigh.

"Hang on sweetie, I know just the thing." The older lady walked away.

Josh walked up behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder, "Don't be ashamed."

"What do you mean?"

"Your scars. I saw you stare at them, it's not anything to hid, it shows how brave you were." He looked down at my arms.

"I-I know, it's just that, well I kinda haven't told anyone except you and Ty. No one else cared or asked." I shrugged. "No one really knows about them." I traced over them with my finger tips.

"Well, I think that you look lovely with or without your scars. You're perfect Jenna soon to be Joseph, and Ty thinks so too. That's all that matters." He grabbed my arms and pulled up his hoodie sleeve, "We all have are scars." He showed me the faded scars on his arm which were covered by tattoos. "They are all different, but some mean the same things. We have scars that proved we made it." He smiled at me.

"Thanks Josh." I smiled.


"Here you go, sweetie." Josh sat back down as I changed. It was perfect. I walked back out to Josh.

"What do you think?"

"Oh Jen...." Josh smiled widely.

"That's what I was thinking too." I smiled at my reflection.

"It's absolutely stunning." I could've swore I saw a tear roll down my friends cheek.

"We'll take it." I smiled at Ruby.

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