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Jenna's POV

I fumbled for my key in the cold February air and finally got the door unlocked to Tyler and Josh's. I walked to the kitchen door when I heard someone start crying.

"I'm never going to have a family." Tyler sobbed.

I covered my mouth and started to cry as I listened to my husband. This was my fault, I'm the reason he can't have a family. There's nothing I can do to fix it. I slid down the wall slowly, letting tears fall in my lap. Be strong. Don't let them know you heard him. I composed myself and stood back up. You can't let them know. Remember, fake happy. I took a deep breath once I heard the boys start laughing again and walked in the door. "Hey boys." I smiled.

"Hey Jen." Tyler gave me a kiss.

"What's all this?" I asked referring to the food.

"We made you dinner." Josh smiled.

"Aww thank you all."

"No problem, you deserve it." Ty smiled at me.

"Alright, lets eat." Josh carried his plate to the table and Tyler got his own and mine. Almost as soon as we sat down Josh stood up. "You know what?" He asked. "You all should have a date night." I will be finishing my meal in my room. Goodnight all." He politely bowed and left, causing Tyler and I to laugh.

"He's such a goof."

"Yeah, but he's our goof." I laughed.

"True. How was your day?" Tyler asked me.

"It was good. I had a lot of fun with Tatum and Maddie."

"What all did you guys do?"

"We went shopping then got coffee, then shopped some more."

"Oh nice." Ty laughed, I love his laugh.

"What did you and Josh do?"

"We played some Mario Kart, went shopping, then made dinner."

"Went shopping?" I asked, intrigued.

"Yes, for a very special woman."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, she's super sweet and has the hottest body, she prolly the sexiest person I know actually."


"Wow. You know what?" I looked up at him. "You look just like her."

"Really?" I gasped.

"Oh yeah." He got up and pulled me out of the kitchen. "Let's take this across the hall." He smirked causing me to laugh. "Josh we are going to Jenna's!" Ty yelled.

"Gross, have fun I guess." Josh knew that ninety percent of the time we were at my house, we were, well, as some might say, having "us" time.

"Well that was definitely sexy." Tyler smirked at me.

"Shut up." I rolled over in the bed to face him. "I'm sorry."

"For what love?"

"I'm sorry that I can't give you the family that you want. It's my fault that you are never going to be a dad."

"Love, did you hear Josh and I talking earlier?" He looked hurt.

"Yeah." I croaked.

"That's not your fault, there is nothing that you could've done to prevent this. And hey, you and Josh will be the only family I ever need."

"I know that that's not true."

"Love, yes it is. I promise you." He kissed me lightly on the cheek and scooted closer to me. "If it wasn't enough, do you think I'd still be here?"

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