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One week later

"I just don't understand that, Jen. Why should we have to send them a present for getting to watch our lovely wedding?" I laughed as I signing the last thank you card.

"Because its a nice thing to do, and besides we are getting married next week. So the day after the wedding we can just go ahead and send all these out."

"I'm glad I'm not getting married, it seems like a pain in the butt." Josh chimed in.

"Eh, it's worth it." I winked at Jenna.

"It better be."

Jenna and I have been tying up ends in our wedding plans, we've decided to only invite my brothers, sister, and their boyfriend,girlfriend, or wife, and whatever of Jenna's family decided to show up. They don't really care much about her, she doesn't show it, but it hurts her. I've only met them once and they were terrible to her, I made Jenna leave before we even finished dinner. Obviously we are also inviting Jesse Cale, Pete Wentz, Jordan Dun, and Josh. Basically we are only inviting the people closest to us.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Jenna hugged up against me.

"How perfect this wedding is going to be." I kissed the top of her head.

"I hope it is."

"It will be."

"I'm excited to give my speech." Josh sat up in the couch.

"We are more than excited to hear your speech." Jenna assured him.

"Good, it's going to be great." He smiled.

"Well now I'm scared." I laughed nervously.

"Don't be. It's not like I would ever embarrass you guys in front of all our friends." Josh lied.

"Mmhmmn sure you wouldn't." Jenna rolled her eyes.

"Let's get food." Josh quickly changed the subject.

"Josh, it's only..." I looked at my phone. "Oh never mind, it's already 10:00."

"I have never gone this long without a meal." Josh groaned.

"Josh, we ate lunch at 2:00. It's only been eight hours." Jenna sarcastically implied that it hadn't been that long.

"Whatever. I'm going to get pizza. I'll be right back." Josh started to walk out the door.

"Or we could just order it." I laughed.

"I guess that will work too."

"I'll be right back." I kissed Jenna then walked outside. I placed our order over the phone then went back inside. "Pizza should be here soon." I sat down beside Jenna.

"Yay!" Josh through his arms up in victory.

"So Tyler, what do you want for your birthday this year?" Jenna asked me.

"Nothing, I have everything I could possibly want, I'm marrying the girl of my dreams, my career is finally taking off, and you know who hasn't bothered much lately."

"Okay, good. But could you please be a bit more materialistic, I need to find something to get you, your birthday is in two days."

"I don't know. Surprise me." I shrugged.

"You seriously don't have any idea of what you want?" Josh sighed, obviously trying to get something out of the question too.


"Well I guess I'll have to surprise you with something then." Jenna said.

"Alright, but for real, you guys don't have to get me anything."

Knock knock knock

"I got it." I stood up and grabbed my wallet. I opened the door to see a young teenager holding a pizza box.

"I have one-one medium cheese pizza and a-a-a medium p-pepperoni pizza." The boy was looking down the whole time.

"Sounds perfect. How much do I owe ya dude?" I reached into my wallet as he slowly looked up at me.

"You-you're Tyler Joseph." He stared at me in awe. "Thank you. Thank you f-for your music and every-everything."

"You know me." I smiled.

"Of—of-of-of" He stuttered over his words then stopped from embarrassment.

"It's okay. Take a deep breath, try again, you can do it." I smiled at him with sympathy, I know having a stutter was difficult because Jay had one when he was younger.

He did as I said and took a deep breath, slowly letting it out, "Of course. I love your music, I've seen you, live a few time t-too."

"Hey Josh!" I yelled through the apartment.


"Grab a sharpie and a poster for our tour."

A few minutes later I had given the boy his money, he had given me our pizza and Josh had arrived back at the door. "What's up?" He handed it to me.

"This is Andrew. He's a fan of ours." I smiled and signed the poster then let Josh sign it.

"Dude that's awesome. Do you want a picture or something?" Josh offered.

"If-if it won't bother you all." He pulled out his phone.

"No way dude, anything for our fans." He snapped the picture then we said our goodbyes. "Nice kid." Josh said as he walked back into the living room.

"Very." I agreed.

"A fan?" Jenna looked up from her phone.

"Surprisingly, yes." I sat down the pizzas in front of us and we started eating.

"You guys are already so popular. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks sweet." I smiled at her.

"Of course." She smiled back.

After we had finished eating, I got my old ukulele that I have had for awhile and Josh and I played a few songs just for fun. "Imma go shower." I set down my uke then left Jenna and Josh.

****JOSHS POV****

As soon as I heard the bathroom door shut and the shower start I blurted out to Jenna, "I've thought of the perfect gift."

"Really?" She looked up at me.

"We should get him a new uke. Something special, it could be from both of us."

"That would be awesome!"

"Very, and perfect time if for the Vessel tour. We could get it customized to fit the aesthetic and everything."

"That'd be so cool. Let's do it." Jenna and I both searched for someone that would make personalized instruments.

"Found one, the Ukulele Doctor. He has good reviews, seems legit." I suggested and got up to show Jenna.

"Looks good to me." I sat down next to her and we started working on what we'd want the small instrumental to look like. We had finished ordering it just in time because we heard Tyler unlock the bathroom door and walk to his room. The ukulele wasn't supposed to be here until the day after his birthday, but we were okay with that. Tyler returned to the room just a few moments later, the usual grin that he had was gone though.

"What's wrong?" Jenna seemed to notice as well.

"Nothing." He quickly changes his expression to a small smile.

"Are you sure?" Jenna pushed.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I think I'm going to go for a walk." He stood back up.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I offered as Jenna and I exchanged concerned glances.

"No, I'll be fine."


Life is good guys. Stay alive.

~ Peteywentzy

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