The Nightmares Are Back

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Mentions of suicide and abuse

I continued to fight with Blurryface in my head until he finally gave me peace to sleep. My eyes got heavy so I let them drop, eloping me into darkness and silence.

I felt someone's fist collide with my gut, my eyes immediately flew open and I sat up in pain. "Why aren't you up yet?" My dad yelled.

"I- I don't know." I said and quickly got out of bed.

"How many times do I have to tell you to be up and making me breakfast by 8:00?" He yelled and punched me in the face.

"Dad, I'm sorry!"

"It's too late for sorry Tyler!" He slammed me against the wall. I felt my breathing get unsteady. He slammed his fist into me a few more times, "Maybe this will teach you." He slammed his fist into my face. Everything went black. My eyes slowly peeled open I saw a tall shadow standing over me.

"Hi Tyler. Long time no see." He towered over me. "I'm glad to know you've been doing well without me. I can't wait to crush everything you've built up." He stepped back, allowing me to see his whole figure. He looked just like me, just like last time I saw him in the mirror. Black neck and hands, red hat on, red eyes.

"No no no. You aren't real." I covered my ears.

"Tyler, I'm realer than you. Everyone's demons are realer then them. That's why you're scared of us."

"What do you mean, everyone's demons?"

"Everyone has fears, Tyler. We take control of them and twist their thoughts." He leaned back against the dresser in the hotel room.

"So I'm not alone..." I thought out loud.

" no, that's not what I said. No one else puts their fears into a person and writes music about it because they are too scared to face it alone." He spat. " That's what crazy people do. What wimps do." He laughed. "So you finally asked the big question?"

Why did this feel more like two friends catching up then it does a demon trying to kill me?

"Y-yeah. I did."

"I'm surprised that she didn't say no. She must be in it for the money."

"But I don't-"

"You don't now, but when you try, and if you don't fail miserably like usual, you might become famous one day, be rich. Then she will continue to be in love with you so the day I finally get you to take a step over the edge, she will inherit everything." He laughed, "it's a good plan, truly." I shook the thought off.

"That's n-not true. She, she would never do that." I stuttered.

"Really? Then why is she gone?" I looked over to see Jenna missing from bed.

"Jenna?" I got up panicked. "Jenna?" I yelled. Suddenly I found myself on the hotel roof.

"Worthless." I could hear Blurrys voice, but I couldn't see him anywhere. "Useless."

"Where are you?" I yelled.

"Dumb. Ugly."

"Stop it! Let me out!" I yelled through the sky.

"There's only one way out idiot. Jump."

"No." I was suddenly on the edge of the building.

"Jump. Do it! No one cares about you, you stupid piece of crap!"

"I can't!" I started crying, desperate to get the voice out of my head.

"Not until you jump."

"Make it stop! Help me!" I was bawling.

"No one can help you. You are victim of your own mind. Now jump." I stared over the edge, I saw Jenna and Josh at the bottom. "If they love you, they will catch you before it's too late." I held my breath and let my foot drop off the edge. I fell for what felt like forever, I looked down and Jenna and Josh where gone. I hit the ground, hard. "A prisoner to our own mind. No one can save you, you're mine."

Warning over

I sat up sweating and out of breath. I got up and quickly stumbled to the bathroom, I shut the door behind me and fell over, I made it to the toilets and leaned my head over, I threw up then laid back against the bathtub. After I steadied my breathing, I stood up and walked over to the mirror, I looked sick, pale, dark circles under my eyes. "I'm fine." I mumbled to myself. "Dads not here. Blurry's not here. I'm fine." I brushed my teeth then stumbled back into the bedroom.

"Tyler? Are you okay?" I saw Jenna sitting up with her lamp on.

"I'm fine." I fell into bed.

"Are you sure bec-" my eyes slowly shut while I was trying to listen to what she was saying.

Jenna's POV
I felt Ty get out of bed, I figured he was just going to use the bathroom... then I heard him puke. I sat up and turned on my lamp and waited for him. I heard him run some water then open the door. "Tyler? Are you okay?" I looked up at him, he looked pale and dark circles under his eyes.

"I'm fine." He mumbled then fell back into bed.

"Are you sure, because you look sick?" He had already fallen back to sleep when I looked down at him. I picked up a blanket and threw it on the small couch that was beside the bed. I covered Tyler back up then kissed his head. He felt really warm, but I let it go. I moved to the couch that way I would be out of the way if he needed to get up again. I laid on the couch on tried to go to sleep, I hadn't fallen asleep at all yet. There's no problem as to why I haven't, I'm just excited to have the love of my life forever. I glanced at the clock, 3:38 a.m. Great. I tossed and turned a few more times until I finally fell asleep.

I opened my eyes with the sun shining threw the window. I rolled over on the couch and looked at the clock, 11:00. "Crap." I mumbled to myself. We where supposed to meet Josh in the lobby at 10:00. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

Jish @ 10:30 : Hey I'm going to be a little late, I over slept

Jish @ 10:55 : On my way down now!

Jish @ now : Where are you guys?

Me: Sorry, we also over slept. I think Ty's sick... I'll update you in a bit.

Jish : Okay, I'll go back to my room lemme know what's up.

Me: Okay.



- Peteywentzy

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