They Are Gone

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The sunset was really pretty the other day so here's a lovely picture of it.

***Warning of self harm in this chapter***

Pat pat pat pat pat BOOM patpatpat

I stared out the window in my bedroom, Jenna and Josh were waiting for me across the hall, in Jenna's apartment. It started storming on the way home, immediate mood changer.

"Hi Tyler." I turned towards the noise to see Blurryface sitting in the window seal.

"Don't start with me today."

"Tyler, I'm going to say it again, I'm going to win. If it's today or in five years, I'll win, you will lose. You just have to accept that." He got up and walked towards my nightstand, pulled open the draw and started rummaging through it.

I laughed to myself.

"What's so funny?"

"They are gone." I continue to laugh.

"They aren't gone, they can't be." Blurry panicked but continued to dig for my razor blades.

"I threw them out, I don't need them anymore."

"You worthless piece of crap." He slammed the drawer shut and walked towards me.

"You can't hurt me." I said calmly.

"Yes I can." He grabbed a hold of my arm, squeezing it in his hand, he dragged me to the kitchen.

"You can't do this."

"Watch me." He picked up a knife handed it to me, "use it."

"Are you sure?"

"You have to." I dug it into my skin, braking skin as I carved a line across my arm. I screamed in pain, slamming my fist into the counter top.

"Tyler!" I heard Jenna bang on the door.

I hitched my breath as I cut another line in my arm. I heard the door finally open and Jenna gasp.

She rushed over to me and I dropped the knife out of my hand. There was blood running down my arm and no sign of Blurryface. "Are you okay?" Jenna looked terrified.

"I- I-" I couldn't manage to say anything.

"Sit down. I'll be right back." She ran out of the apartment and I just sat in silence.

"Tyler!" I heard Josh run in with Jenna behind him. "Hey, are you okay?" I still couldn't say anything. I knew what I wanted to say, but it was like someone ripped my vocal cords out of my throat. Jenna shows up once again, this time with a first aid kit. "Can you stand up?" Josh asked. I nodded slightly and stood up, I walked to the sink where they lead me.

"This might burn." Jenna opened a bottle of alcohol and poured it on my arm, I barley flinched, my arm was practically numb. "We might need to go to the ER." Jenna sighed, but I shook my head at the thought.

"Tyler, we might have to go." Josh said looking at my arm. I dug through the first aid box until I found the bandaids that they use to hold together deep cuts. I put four on each cut then wrapped my lower arm in gauze. I motioned for Jenna to hold it down while I grabbed the medical tape. I wrapped it around the gauze to hold them in place then pulled my arm away from Jenna.

"Okay, we will see if that works. If the bleeding doesn't stop, we are going to the ER."

I nodded slowly, my eyes felt heavy. I walked past Jenna and Josh back to the living room. I laid down on the couch and soon feel into a deep sleep.

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