Staying In

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I sat down my phone and got up. Tyler wasn't in bed anymore, I looked in the bathroom to see my fiancé laying against the wall, asleep.

Me: Yeah, I don't think Ty and I are going out today.

Jish: That's fine! I'm going to get a bite to eat, you want me to grab you something?

Me: Yeah, just something from wherever you go.

Jish: Got it.

I sat my phone back down, pulled my hair up in a messy bun, then went into the bathroom. I bent down next to the sleeping boy, "Ty?" I shook him lightly.

"Hmm?" He barley moved.

"Do you wanna get back in bed?" He nodded his head yes then slowly opened his eyes. "Come on." I helped him up and walked him back to bed.

"Crap." Tyler spoke as we passed the clock. "We are supposed to meet Josh in the lobby in negative 15 minutes." He laughed lightly.

"It's okay. I already talked to Josh." I sat down next to Tyler on the bed.

"We can't bail on him."

"We aren't bailing, we are getting you better. Josh will be here soon."

"No, I don't want to get you guys sick. You all should go out without me."

"No way." I shook my head as I finished getting a cool rag from the bathroom.

"Yes way." He was laying down with his eyes closed, he was about to fall back asleep. I laid the rag on his soaked forehead and sat back down by him.

"Quit being stubborn. We are staying here. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I kinda feel like I've puked my guts out, my head is being stabbed slowly, and my throat is being ripped out."

"Such nice, nonviolent descriptions." I sighed sarcastically.


"It's okay, get some rest." And with that he fell back asleep. I turned on the TV and watched Scooby-Doo until I heard Josh knock on the door.

"Hello." I opened the door to see the blue haired man in front of me.

"Hi." He smiled, "I brought you a cinnamon bagel with honey cream cheese and a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks. I also brought Ty a plain bagel just Incase he wakes up later and wants something."

"Thanks!" I took the food from him and shut the door after he came in the room.

"He doesn't look good Jen." He frowned at his best friend laying in bed.

"I know." I sighed. "He's burning up too." Josh lead his hand to the side of Tyler's face.

"Yeah." We sat down on the couch where I had previously been sleeping and talked while we ate and watched Scooby-Doo. We talked about the band, school, Tyler and I. Until we heard Ty say something.

"I'm not jumping." He mumbled. 

"What did he say?" Josh looked at me funny.

"I-I'm not sure."

"Stop..." He turned in the bed.

"I think he's having a bad dream." Josh walked over to him. "Ty, wake up."

"This isn't real. You aren't here." Ty mumbled again.

"Tyler, you're dreaming wake up." Josh grabbed his shoulders.

"I can't jump." He was shaking now. "I love them." Then he sat up abruptly and yelled, "Save me." I looked over to Josh who had a panicked look on his face, it matched mine.

"Are you okay Tyler?" Josh asked.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." He choked out.

"No sweet, you're not." I crawled onto the bed. "What's wrong?"

"It was just a bad dream, I'm fine." He laid back carefully.

"What was it about?" Josh continued.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Ty answered quietly, trying not to strain his voice anymore. "You guys should go do something."

"Nah man, your sick, we are staying here."

"No, seriously. Please go. I'd feel bad if I knew that you stayed here just for me."

"Are you sure?" I asked gently grazing my hand through his hair, moving it out of his face.

"Yep." He smiled a little. "Besides, I'm gunna try to shower soon. I'm feeling a little better so I'll be fine."

"Okay, if you need something text or call me."

"I will, love." He kissed my hand.

"Promise?" Josh asked, knowing that Tyler wouldn't bother us even if we insisted.


"Okay." I kissed his head then grabbed some clothes, I went in the bathroom, changed, and put on a little makeup. "You ready?" I asked Josh.


"Bye, Ty. I love you." I grabbed my phone and waved at the boy who was now sitting up in bed.

"Bye, love."

Josh and I headed to an outlet mall that was about ten minutes away to pick up somethings. We walked into a store that we both loved, Hot Topic. "What do you think?" I held up a black shirt the said "I prefer the singer."

"I love it." Josh laughed. We found a few other things that we liked and even a few shirts for Tyler then we left to find another store. After three or four more stops, we ran into a wedding dress store. Josh noticed me stare through the window as we walked pasted. "Are you going with Tyler to pick out your dress? Or is it going to be a surprise?"

"I think I want it to be a surprise." I said, knowing that I had made that decision when I was 15, dreaming about the day I got married.

"Cool. Let's go in then."



- Peteywentzy

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