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We've been on tour for almost seven months already, we've played shows everywhere except the UK and US. And now it's time for London.

"Tyler. Tyler wake up." Josh shook me softly.

"What Josh?"

"It's already twelve o'clock you need to get up."

"It's already twelve!" I shot up out of my bunk but hit my head on the bunk above. "That hurt a bit." I laughed.

"Geez." Josh laughed as well. "For real lets go."

"Alright." I rolled out of the bed. After I got dressed in my favorite yellow sweatshirt that I got in Germany, I put on my black jeans and black Vans.

"Okay boys, we are stopping to get food then we will be at the venue in about ten minutes." Sam said from the front of the bus.

"Alright." Josh said as I sat down on the couch beside him. "Are you excited?"

"For the show? Of course. I'm always excited to see them."

"Good." He flashed a goofy grin.

"What?" I laughed.

"Nothing." He smirked then returned to his phone.

"Alright boys, hop out and get some food." Sam opened the doors and Mark and Brad led the way out of the bus. After grabbing some sausage biscuits we returned to the bus and rode to the venue.

"Okay show is in seven hours. Let's get moving." The crew started unloading out stuff and setting it up on stage.

"Hey Mark?"

"Yeah?" He turned towards me.

"Can we go see them?" Josh smirked.

Mark hesitate before smiling, "Yes, but if anyone gets upset, Brad said you could. Also, be back in twenty to practice."

"Yes!" I gave Josh a high five then we sprinted to the front of the venue. The doors were glass so we could see everyone lined up. We saw the second they realized we were going out there too. Everyone's face immediately lit up. Some even started crying. Josh stood in front of the door and turned to face me.

"You sure you're ready for this?" He asked seriously.

"Yeah." I took a deep breath, "Well, I think so." I looked around Josh to see people taking pictures.

"They've gotten a little bit more crazy. If anyone touches you without asking, you yell for me. I love these guys, but I'm not letting them make you uncomfortable especially with your anxiety being so bad right now."

"I'm fine." I smiled.

"Then quit playing with the end of your sweatshirt, it's what you do when you get nervous." He smirked then pushed the door open. "Alright step back everyone." Josh laughed. "We will talk to as many of you as we can so please be patient and if we don't get to you then I'm so sorry."

Everyone did as Josh asked and moved back, going back to their straight line. We started making our way down the line, a lot of people asked for hugs and pictures, some gave us letters and artwork, some knew exactly what to say, others were speechless which was adorable. We finally got to one girl who looked about eighteen. She had some of the prettiest blue eyes and lightest blond hair, just like Jenna. In fact, she just looked a lot like Jenna.

"Hi Tyler." She smiled, "Hi Josh. Can I give you all a hug?"

"Of course." We both wrapped our arms around her and soon we felt her start shaking.

"Are you okay?" I pulled away to see tears running down her face.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry. What's wrong?" I asked as Josh kept going down the line to try to meet more people.

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