Weeks Later

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Tyler's pov
I've been in the hospital for a few weeks now. The day I hurt Jenna.... I hated myself for that. I tried to overdose the next day. Jenna and Josh found me before it was too late. The clique doesn't know exactly what happened, just that I wasn't doing well and I was in the hospital, we decided not to tell them. The only people who know are my family. While I've been gone, Josh released Blurryface but we've been refusing interviews until now. There have been a few that Josh has done on his own, but apparently people are asking about me. I haven't been on any social media since I got here, but I'm excited to leave today.

"Are you ready?" Jenna smiled at me.

"Of course." I grabbed her hand.

"Let's go home." We left the 'hospital of hell' as I like to call it.

"I'm sorry again." Jenna said once we got in the car.

"Why love?"

"For making you stay there. I know you hate it."

"I do, but I needed to go again."

"Yeah. So are you excited to see everyone?"

"Yes. Especially Josh, I haven't gotten to see him very much."

"Well that's not his fault."

"I know. They don't let anyone but family visit. I remember from last time."

"I know he's excited to see you." Jenna smiled at me again. Awhile later we pulled into the driveway. I pulled myself from the car and grabbed my bag. I carefully walked into the house, knowing that I was still a little sore from having my stomach pumped. Which hurts like heck, ten out of ten do not recommend.

"Tyler!" I saw Josh run towards me.

"Josh!" I dropped my bag and opened up my arms to greet him. He tackled me with a hug. "Ow! Be careful, Josh!" I laughed.

"Sorry." He loosened his grip.

"It's okay."

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." The rest of the day was spent catching up with them, calling my family, letting the clique know that I was in fact okay.

"So then I was walking into the radio station to do an interview and there were a few fans outside, they must have heard about it. And the first thing they said was 'Is Tyler okay?' So then I told them that you were okay, you just needed a break and they said that they wanted me to tell them that you are loved and missed very much."

"Woah, breath." I laughed after he was finished talking. "Did you happen to get their names?"

"Katie Smith and Adela Lily."

"We should send them something. Either a message or a signed poster."

"Okay. I'll see if I can find their Instagrams." He unlocked his phone.

"Oh, yeah that reminds me. Jenna, where did you put my phone while I was gone?"

"I left it the bed room on your night stand." I walked back to our room and saw exactly what she had said. I picked it up and started to walk out of the room when I turned back around. There were a stack of letters on my pillow, on my nightstand, and on the floor next to the bed. I picked a few up and looked at them. There were ones from Brendon and Sarah Urie, Pete, Mark, Brad, names I had never heard of before that I could only assume were clique members because of our symbol drawn on them, there were even letters from Jenna and Josh.

"Hey guys?"

"Yeah?" Josh yelled.

"What are all these letters?"

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