The Wedding (Jenna POV)

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I looked in the mirror as Maddie and Tatum finished buttoning the back of my dress. "Are you ready?" Tatum smiled at me.

"I think so." I half smiled.

"What's wrong?" Tatum asked.


Tatum gave a look at Maddie and with that Maddie left. "What's wrong, Jenna?"

"What if he changes his mind?" I played with the ring on my finger.

"Oh Jen, you make him so happy. I've only known Tyler for a few years and I've only known you for like one and a half. He's never been happier than he is right now with you."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Will you check on him though? I don't want him to be worried about me leaving or anything."

"You're welcome. Yes, I will." Tatum got up and walked out the door.

Tatums POV

I started down the hall to find Tyler when I bumped into Josh. "Oh hey." He said.

"Hey, how's Tyler?"

"I was coming to ask the same about Jenna. He's okay, a little worried, but typical Tyler." He shrugged.

"She's worried about Tyler, but other than that, she's good."

"Okay, good. See you in a few minutes." Josh turned back to Tyler's room and I headed back to Jenna.

Jenna's POV

"How is he?"

"He's fine." Tatum shut the door behind her.

"Good." I sighed with relief. "We should get out there."

"Yay! Let's go get you married!" Maddie  entered the room.

"Yep." I stood up, grabbed my flowers and walked to the door where I would enter. "Jenna Joseph, here I come." I smiled brightly when I opened the doors and walked down the long carpet, seeing my bridesmaids in their ivory dresses, the grooms men in their suits. Then I saw him. The man I was going to pledge my heart to. The man I loved so much, I would take a bullet for him. Tyler Joseph, with tears running down his face and his hand of his mouth. We were happy. We are going to be happy. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as I reached him, I had just noticed that I was crying too. This is the greatest day of my life.

"You look gorgeous." I heard him whisper.

"Thank you." I didn't even listen to the preacher as he spoke to the crowd. I was lost in happiness, no, not happiness, joy. Joy that I would forever get to wake up to this handsome face beside me, that I would get to go to his concerts and meet his fans, have his kids, and help him to more than survive, to be happy and healthy.

Very short chapter because the rest of the wedding will be Tyler's POV.

~ Peteywentzy

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