Show #1

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***Tylers POV***

A rush of adrenaline pounded through my veins. As we walked into the stage, all the lights had just gone down, the crowd was silent, then the show started.

"Under clothes, under skin; underneath we are all the same," The voice echoed over the crowd, " for once you removed the tricky tricks, only skeleton bones remain."

The intro to ode to sleep started, "I don't think I can do this." I said to Josh through our ear piece.

"You've got this dude." He said back in between hitting the drums.

A spot light turned onto Josh which made the crowd go wild.

"I wake up fine and dandy
But then by the time I find it handy
To rip my heart apart and start
Planning my crash landing
I go up up up up up to the ceiling
Then I feel my soul start leaving
Like and old mans hair receding." The second spotlight came down on me as I leaned against my piano with a skeleton hoodie on. I sang the whole song with the crowd, barley moving around the stage.

"I'd uh, I'd like to thank all of you for coming to see us tonight." I stood on the front of the stage, looking down and the ground. "You guys mean a lot to us, and this wouldn't be possible with out every single one of you."

"We love you guys!" A young girl called out.

"We love you guys too." I smiled though they couldn't see it through my hoodie. "This next song, it's for a young man that I graduated high school with. He uh, he made my life pretty awful for awhile, but something changed in him. He came and talked to me at graduation and uh, he told me that he was sorry. I thought it was the weirdest thing ever, but gladly accepted his apology. His name was Luke Peterson. He thought we would forget him but I know Josh, Jenna, and I never will. The night after graduation Luke killed himself. He hated everything about him self but covered it up by bulling others." I walked over to my piano and hit a few chords. "I'm not going to say that I miss him because we were never that close, but I will say that no matter who you are and what you've done, you will be forgiven. You are worth it, life is worth it to stay alive. So what do you all say? Are we going to win this battle or give into our doubt and fears? This is for you, Luke." I looked up to the ceiling. "I call this one Guns For Hands." The crowd cheered loudly.

I slowly became more comfortable with the crowd. It was like catching up with old friends, we had just finished Trees in the crowd and we got back on the stage. We bowed and I yelled one last thing into the mic, "We are Twenty One Pilots, and so are you. Stay alive friends." We both walked our separate ways off stage while the crowd screamed.

"That was amazing!" Jenna hugged me as I walked off stage. "You guys did so good." She moves and hugged Josh.

"Thanks Jen." I smiled Josh and I walked back to the dressing room, Jenna said she was going to help pack stuff up even though everyone told her she didn't have to help. Josh said that I should shower first because I seemed a lot nastier than he did, which I didn't believe. After my shower I walked into the dressing room. "It's all yours buddy."

"Thanks." Josh got up and went into the bathroom. I decided to go out and see if I could help pack anything else up.

"Hey Mark. Is there anything left to do?"

"Nope. I think we got it all." He smiled. I sat on the center of the stage and looked it at all the blue and red confetti. 

"That was awful."

What do you mean Blurry? That was a great show.

"That's what you think. Nobody liked it."

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