The Wedding (Tylers POV)

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Play this ^^^ on cue ;)

"I can't believe you talked me into doing this. I can't believe I did this. What am I doing? Should I even be doing this? Is this the right thing to do?" I nervously paced the room while Josh, Jordan, Jesse, Mark, and Zack watched me.

"Calm down Ty, this is the right thing to do." Zack tried to calm me down.

"What if she's having second thoughts?"

"I can promise you she's not." Josh laughed. "Do you want me to go check on her?"

"Yes, well, no. I mean yes. I want to know but I don't want to know. What if she left?"

"I'll be right back." Josh got up out of his seat to check on Jenna.

Josh POV

I started down the hall to find Jenna when I bumped into Tatum. "Oh hey."

"Hey, how's Tyler?"

"I was coming to ask the same about Jenna. He's okay, a little worried, but typical Tyler." I shrugged.

"She's worried about Tyler, but other than that, she's good."

"Okay, good. See you in a few minutes." I turned back to Tyler's room and Tatum headed back to Jenna.

Tyler's POV

"How is she?"

"She's fine." Josh shut the door behind him.

"Good." I sighed with relief. "We should go out now, shouldn't we." I was shaking ever so slightly.

"Yeah." Jordan grabbed my shaking hand and pulled me up out of my seat. "You're gunna be great." He hugged me.

**start the song now**

"Thanks." I smiled. We walked down the long isle and stood at the end, watching my grooms men come in behind me, then bridesmaids, then Jenna. I saw the doors open for my soon to be wife and I immediately teared up at the sight of her. She was beautiful, her long dress hugged her as she walked down the isle to meet me. Her hair was up in some sorta bun thing, I didn't know what to call it, but she looked great with it. Little pieces of her hair were left out to frame her face. She had on just a little bit of makeup, which I loved. Her lips where pink and shiny, her skin was beautifully tanned, and her smile lit up the whole room. "You look gorgeous." I whispered to her, trying not to interrupt the preacher.

"Thank you."

Before I knew it, the preacher snapped me out of my thoughts. "Tyler, your vows."

"Jenna," I grabbed her hands, "I have never loved anyone more than I love you. You are the first thing I want to see when I open my eyes, and the last thing I want to see when I fall asleep. Jenna I knew you were the one from the beginning because I looked at you for a minute and could find a thousand things I loved about you. You found parts of me that I didn't know existed and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real. I fell in love with you because you loved me when no one else did, not even myself. You found hope and love in those tiny bits of a broken teenage boy, and tried to helplessly glue them back together. You gave me hope, love, and joy when I couldn't find any of those things. So, Jenna, I want you to be my today, and all of my tomorrows. When you look at this ring, I want you to think about an endless loop, this ring symbolizes my endless love and loyalty to you. I will be there for you, always." I slid the ring on her finger as she cried.

"Jenna, your vows."

"Tyler," she choked out and paused for a few seconds. "Gosh why did he have to go first?" Everyone laughed and she wiped away her tears with a tissue. "One day, I was talking to my old group of friends and one of them asked me, "Jenna, do you believe in love?" As the typical thirteen year old girl, I laughed and said no. But today that answer has changed, and I'm glad that I get to share that love with you. You are more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, Tyler Joseph's and mine are the same. I will always trust you to care for me because the broken love harder than anyone else. I can tell already just from the couple of years we've known each other that you would be able to care for me, love me, raise a family and have a successful job. You are smart, handsome and talented, you've opened up to me when times get hard and you've earned my trust, my love. So now, anytime someone asks me, "Do you believe in love?" I will respond with yes, above all things I believe in love. Love is all you need. The best thing in the world is to love someone and have them love you in return. Love is like oxygen, we can't live without it, just as I can't live without you." She slipped the ring on my finger.

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