Almost Done

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"This is our last show of this tour. I want to thank you all for being so supportive through it all. Some shows where great, others Josh and I's thoughts got ahold of us. I want to let you all know that we've been working on a new album." The crowd of people squealed while I hit the notes to begin Trees. "We wouldn't be here without you, we've had some great times over the past few months, met a lot of great people, and made some amazing friends. So, are you guys ready to end this tour with a bang?" Josh began to drum. "I love you guys so much, stay alive." We all sang the song through the stadium. People were screaming, crying, yelling, they felt alive, and so did I.

"We are Twenty One Pilots," I put my arm around Josh and held the microphone between us.

"And so are you." We said in sync.

"Stay alive friends." We walked off the stage in Louisville Kentucky.

"Let's go home." Josh wiped the sweat off his face.

"Yes." I gave him a high five.

"I never thought I'd say it, but I actually miss our little town." Josh and I got to the dressing room.

"So do I." I opened the door and saw Jenna sleeping on the couch. She has been so much help during this tour, she would help set stuff up, take stuff down, bring us water during shows, make sure we were fed. And by we, I don't mean just Josh and I, but the whole crew, and we were all thankful for that. After getting everything packed up I went back to the dressing room, I picked up Jenna and carried her to the van.

"Only four hours boys, then we will be home." Sam started the vehicle.

"Yay." Josh cheered quietly. Everyone stayed up for the trip back except Jenna of course, she was the only one with a normal sleeping schedule.

***four hours later

"And we are home." Sam smiled.

"Nice!" Josh jumped out of the car, "Oh my gosh it's cold." The crisp air took him by surprise.

"True dat." Mark wrapped himself tighter into his hoodie. I lifted Jenna out of the car and took her into my room, laying her in the bed. I went back down and helped bring everything upstairs.

"Thanks Sam, for everything." I pulled him into a hug, he's been more than just a driver, he's been someone to talk to through the long nights in the road, someone who's helped me with new music, and just become a great friend in general. "Mark." I nodded to him and pulled him into a hug. "We'll see you guys later." Josh and I went into the apartment and threw ourselves onto the couch.

"That was amazing." Josh looked at the ceiling and smiled.

"Which part?"

"Every single part since we've left this apartment in December. I'm going to miss them."

"Me too. I can't believe how many people came to all the shows."

"It's crazy." He yawned. "We should go to bed."

"Yeah, definitely." I agreed but we both continued to just lay on the couch.

"It makes me feel so lousy, ya know."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because all those people came to our shows, thousand and thousands of fans who know all sorts of things about us, but we can only list off maybe twenty names of people we met."

"Yeah, but we can't exactly meet them all. It sucks because I would love to talk to each and every one of them individually and learn all about their lives, but we can't. There's just not enough time."

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