And I Care What You Think

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Blurryface is in this chapter so you know the drill, TW self harm, ed, etc

I tried to ignore Blurry when the spotlights hit me and Josh. We did our handshake then Josh went back to his drums. My friends were going crazy over it. I walked down the steps and got out to the crowd, carefully stepping onto their hands, I tried to grab as many peoples hands as possible.

"Don't fall. Don't fall on them. They will hate you. Gosh you weigh a ton. What happened to the strict 'no eating diet' we had?"

Shut up. I waited for the music to start.

"Don't fall, fatty. Geez you must have gained like twenty pounds." My breath was shortening, my chest felt unusually tight.

"I-I can't do this." I spoke into the mic as my legs began to shake. Before I knew it Josh was talking into a microphone on stage.

"Cut the music. Get him out of there." He seemed to be mildly panicked. The security guards were no where in sight.

"There's no one to help you."

The fans that where holding me quickly set me down and backed away from me. "Thank you." I heaved as I tried to steady my breathing. I sat down on the floor while my friends continued to back away, making sure that I had plenty of room.

"Here." One boy with bright yellow hair gave me a bottle of water.

"Thank you." I carefully opened it and took a drink. Josh hopped over the barricade and slid next to me.

"Five things you can see, tell me them and in between take deep breaths." The crowd parted again and Jenna ran through them to get next to me.

"Jenna, the clique, Josh, water, and," I looked around for something else, "a lot of black converse." I looked at the feet of my friends.

"Perfect." Josh and the clique laughed.

"Let's get him back stage." Brad said calmly, Josh helped me up and we all got out of the pit. The crowd was shouting at us as we walked away, telling us to be safe, that they loved us, to be done for tonight if we needed to.

Mark brought up the lights as we walked off into the backstage area. "Let's get everyone in the pit some water, and can I have the security guards that were supposed to be working up front meet me at the sound booth. As for the clique, we thank each and every one of you who were holding Tyler for the respect and help you just gave. I'll be back in ten or so minutes to tell you all how tonight is going to happen."

"You let them down."

I did not.

"We should've called it after the set at b stage." Josh said, not trying to be mean, but trying to prove a point.

"I know, I just didn't want to let them down. They payed a lot of money for this. This is supposed to be an awesome night for them." I sat down against the wall, Jenna and Josh joined me.

"Are you okay, Tyler?" Brad asked.

"Yeah, I just- I don't know." I rubbed my face.

"They won't be mad if you need to be done for tonight." Jenna held my hand.

"I really don't want that to happen though." I argued.

"But if we need to then let's do it." Josh added.

"What if," I tried to think of a way to finish the show. "What if we just take out a couple songs." Brad and Josh exchanged glances. "Please."

"I'll tell you what, if Jenna and Josh think it's okay. You can finish the whole set, but you have to do it acoustically."

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